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 Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?

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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 4:58 am

Hello I'm Mr.Black. I'm currently 22 Years Old and in Windsor Ontario. I've spent the last few years of my life as a Divinator, Dreamer, Predictor of Events on Online Prophecy Forums, Paranormal Theorist and Investigator. However not so well these days, mostly because of my Stress Levels being so darn high. This Current Stress has to do with my Lifestyle: Unemployed living on Disability while completely alone everyday. I Use to have a companion, it was a Shadow Person I called Manaura (Man+Aura). I had it since childhood, assuming up until a few months ago that it was a Shadow Person, that is until on a Prophecy Forum a Member called for help regarding a "Strange Man with Vine-Like Arms" was breaking into their House at night and watching the Children as they slept. That's when I was introduced to the idea of an entity called "Slenderman", upon research I can very confidently say that the 2009 CreepyPasta "remake" is a strange joke, and I'm not laughing.

It all started one winters night in 1994/95. I was sleeping at my Grandparents House while my Father worked as a Truck Driver (No Mom since 92). At the Foot of my Bed stood a Tall Black Man with Dull Red Eyes. To most people this Entity is a Shadow Man without Form that causes Anxiety in Dreams). It did nothing to me, and I never felt any fear from seeing it, only when I was alone in the basement during the day did I ever feel a primal "caution" while it slept there behind the Water Heater in the corner. Eventually I spoke to it while in bed, obviously it said nothing back so finally I said to it to talk to me in my dreams. Every night after that when I would sleep at my Grandparents, it would place a Hand upon me and it would be with me in a place that I knew was like a dream but different in many ways. This Shadow Man was teaching me to Astral Travel in a Reality that exists very close to Real Reality where Objects and Structures are the same but the Colours and Creatures are different. In a way, Manaura was my Astral Dream Guide, having a very Human Shape but non of the features, right down to its Claws that were demon like. If you've ever watched the Anime's "Elfen Lied" and "Witchblade", it's like Lucy's Vectors with Claws identical to the Witchblade in sharpness and structure. Manaura had Several Arms/"Vectors" with Clawed Hands that it could do just about anything with.

Manaura and I at this point began our Symbiosis: In exchange for my Energy, it was my Guide and Healer. Manaura took interest in me because of my Childhood Stress, being a single child of only one parent and various relatives, I never really lived in any one place for more than 12-16 Hours at a time as I moved around from home to home every day of the week until roughly the year 2000. Add to that the Bullying and Religious Oppression at my Public School by the Students who went to the same Church as the Principal, believing that God was on their side they made sure that every Non-Religious White, Black, Indian, Aborigional, Foreigner, anybody who didn't believe in the Catholic Faith was going to Hell when they entered the building each day. Every night at my Grandparents I instinctually gathered my Rock Collection into my Bathtub and Meditated while floating in the warm water. I was cleansing myself, fixing my spiritual energy pattern. This allowed for Manaura to access my energy and further filter it out. Manaura consumed my stress, hatred, anger, rage, it helped me to be pure of heart each day when I would awaken from my slumber. Can't believe it right? A Monster was helping a Human Child to become better than they were before as a pose to the normal suffering it causes to others! I guess I was already under enough stress, so it decided to help instead of hurt.

When I was bullied at school, I would become a Berserker, full of rage I would always try to kill the students who were hurting me. I would always fail, and the principal always protected the bullies, thus I was always punished. Eventually it got taken too far. Eventually, I was murdered. However, before I talk about that, I need to tell you about the first time I died....

My Aunt (the other who cared for me when not at my grandparents) was a medicine freak, whenever me or her children got sick, we were given antibiotics. I was different however, because I wasn't her child I was treated with far less respect and care than her own. During car rides I was given Vodka with Cold Syrup (to hide the flavour) to put me to sleep, when I got the flu I was given adult doses to ensure she could keep up the "care" and "cost" and make it look like she was doing a good job so my dad could keep paying her to care for me. On top of the Soap I would drink when punished for saying a bad word, spankings and standing in the corner just for the sake of punishing me instead of her own, my body simply couldn't take the suffering. As I became tolerant of over-the-counter medications, Antibiotics were used, eventually I was overdosed on that as well. This lead to Colds and Flu that couldn't be cured. Eventually one day in Grade 1 I got sick, went to my aunts, dad brings me home, then sends me to daycare in the morning, I go to school, by then at around 9:45am I died in the classroom from the flu at my desk doing math work. The teachers didn't even notice. Due to my Astral Travel Training I was able to stay in the classrom for a while, watching with disgust because I knew that nobody cared that I died. Eventually at Lunchtime I was forced back into my body by a Female Spirit cloathed in White Light, I had to walk 3 Blocks to my Aunts with a 110 Degrees Fever, she took me to the Hospital immediatly after. It took me an hour to walk that distance, I kept passing-out on the sidewalk, and she yelled at me for being slow......

That Female Spirit was infact Manaura in a Servitor form, not the Shadow Form. When I died, my Energy Pattern was "Mutated" in a way becasue I didn't "do" what normal children do when they die. Manaura went from a Shadow Entity to a Servitor Entity. I gained a Paranormal Power upon death, Manaura was a reflection of that. In 2009 in Highschool I would be introduced to Anime through a Club and from that the next few years I would watch many Anime. Lucy from Elfen Lied was a Regular Identity that Manaura took because it matched it so well. At First Death and Second Death she was Yurine from "Karas". Manuara could take on any anime guise from my future. When at my Grandparents after first death it would always approach me under such a guise, usually female or "something close to it" even though it was made out of my own male energy. It was capable of doing so because at my Elementary School the "Afterlife Gateway" that I was supposed to go through remained open on the playground until New Years Eve 2012/13 when it closed and vanished (I checked on it every few months, only I was aware of its existance). This Gateway had Temporal Reality Qualities that turned Deja-Vu into cake-walk.

After the First Death when the Bullying Happened, I could see into Peoples Souls (A Soul is the total sum of your existance, existing in a way that I know Physics will one day figure out through Time Sciences) and I discovered that Demons were real. The Principal had basically through his Faith had corrupted the Children enough that they had become beings of sins (one way of putting it.....). Every Night that I was with Manaura in the Astral Realms I would fight these Demons and purify the Students that were being influenced by them. Each time in doing so, Reality would change to a slight degree. Only 13-14 People (2/3 Teachers, 1 Custodian, the rest Students) were not "Infected" out of the 1200 or so at my Elementary School. Eventually the Demons caused my Second Death, the Principal ordered a Foreinger Student to push me into Traffic whereby I was ran over by 3 Cars at a Crossroad. Manaura Appeared, Time Reversed and Altered, I was left standing on the road with a Car's Bumper on my Leg and it honking at me while I fell over lightly in Grade 2 while on my way to my Aunts.

In Grade 3 (1999/2000) it was mostly Astral Battles, Manaura as usual used its Vectors to tear the Demons apart while I would battle the students. Eventually only the Strongest Demons remained, and I eventually lost causing Manaura to suddenly loose its strength to continue thus our symbiosis ended for a few weeks. Bullying went extreme at school, I wanted my life to end. In a Bathroom I enduced a lethal Asthma Attack, I literally cried myself to death. Upon Third Death, Manaura came back, instantly revived me again, and made a deal that in exchange for it ending this once and for all that our connection be severed (while in a guise as Yuko from xxxholic). Immedialy I went outside during break (nobody the wiser that I just died again for the third time!), and a Kushanada from Bleach came through the Gateway and killed all the Demons and then returned through the Gateway along with Manaura (Manaura #1 was not in this case the Kushanada, that was another of its Species that was helping Manaura). As Manaura left, it told me to remember its name (which it never told me or had one) and the lyrics to a song from Shingetsutan Tsukihime (To a place in the distant past, Where overflowing tears fell, Still just wandering aimlessly. A requited love, Trying to obtain a momento, Which surpasses what's carved into history. At the end of the world, We may still meet again.) I assumed that was going to be New Years Eve 2012/13 thus I inspected the Gateway at the Elementary School to only find that it wasn't there anymore, but all over the playgrounds around the entire building were White Coloured Circles with X's, you guys call them "Operator Symbols" in Slenderman Terms.

I spent Grades 4 through 8 with very little mild bullying, 9 through 12 with no bullying what so ever. The Deal held, yet all over North America came news of School Shootings, Suicides, Murders, all of them in my eyes look like the work of the Demons I went to War against with Manaura as my Weapon by my side those years ago. My "abilities" as of 2011 are mostly gone now, No Dreams, Visions, or Insights into the Future (but when I do, only 10% is fact and the rest is just common psycho-filler that you would find in your dreams). It's a far cry from what I use to be able to do I could tell you that much, Manaura #1 was a key component to having those abilities because it was a filter that helped keep me able enough to be almost Shaman/Priest like. But if I had to describe it, it was almost as if I was an Energy Vampire, and a danm good one at that. Now I'm just an ordinary Human Being who's Legally Blind with nothing really going on in my life.

In Highschool I wanted to re-explore my childhood, the Paranormal and Occult became an interest. Thus I found a way to "summon" a Servitor of my own making, and I designed it to look and behave like Manaura, thus this was Manaura #2. Our "Contract" was a Drawing I did in Pencil on December 2008 that lasted untll December 2010. With my Shadow Servitor I was able to continue some Vampiric Traits that I had, feeding off of the Students I eventually discovered a way to observe the Paranormal that was happening in my Highschool, from there I learned how to control people into fighting eachother using Symbolism and my own "Human Vectors" that I copied from Manaura#2 using my own energy to make them, however it's Vectors were far better than mine so I never really developed mine at all. It was all fuel for the Servitor, after all our Contract required Energy Fuel from myself and other sources to do what we did together. It too used Anime Guises, again Lucy from Elfen Lied and now Mizore from Rosario+Vampire was it's choices. Dream Sex was common as a pose to the regular "Hand-Contact" that Manaura#1 did, often Manaura #2 used a New Kind of Guise, as Neith the Egyptian Goddess during such intimate momment, or was a Swallow Bird as a Familiar in both Dreams and Real Life! Eventually it stoped listening to me as it became powerful over the students, so I burned the Contract. In Late November 2012 I re-drafted a new Contract with no results so far. No Servitor has existed yet, but at nights I do imagine something like a Dark Spirit Entity flying over my Bed at night in my Fathers House where I currently live. I doubt it's anything more than my imagination.....

Well there you have it, my life in small detail. My entire life was with an Entity that by definition matches this "Slenderman" yet it wasn't a Slenderman? I can only think of 2 possible scenarios: 1 is that I was with a Close Species Relative of the Slenderman, or 2 is that because Slenderman didn't exist until the CreepyPasta that it had to exist as something else entirely, hence all the relatable traits without the Suite&Tie Look like was created fictionally. I know that my time with Manaura caused at least around 1300 Alterations to the Timeline of the Future, so maybe I speculate that Slenderman could in fact be real and existant here on Earth as I type this due to those alterations, but not in symbioses like we once were back in my childhood. My attempts to recreate it did happen but only once and thus I'm stuck waiting for Slenderman's/Manaura's Return if it does so like in the Lyrics if there's anything more than just Operator Symbols on the Ground at a School I never want to go to ever again because now I don't have to. I apologize if there are many spelling mistakes, I did not use a word processor to type this or spell check.

Over the next few days I will be going over the Zoology, Biology, and Ecology of all the Humanoid Paranormals mentioned (Shadow People, Servitors, "Slenderman", how Sybiosis is achieved, side effects experienced for both Human and Paranormal involved, as well as introduce several other Species not mentioned in the Story and how they are involved in the Evolution and Behaviours of these Entities at each stage of their development.)

Side Note: infinite relations between Slenderman Lore and Lucy from Elfen Lied can be made. It's reasonable to assume that "Slenderman" was around long before the CreepyPasta and was well Publically Observed in different forms. This was the Anime that Manaura most related to, you can clearly see why. This is why I think that Slenderman, was an Idea not an Entity that was forced into existance through the author of that CreepyPasta, however the Entity itself is much older than that and is something entirely different altogether. Slenderman is nothing more than a name along with a Suite&Tie, much like how Manaura#1 guised as Lucy and other Anime Characters when we made contact.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 7:25 am


OK, I get that you wanted to show us your creepypasta, but we have a major rule here. Slenderman IS NOT REAL. He is a fictional character, created on the SomethingAwful forums in 2009. Also, we do not post in character. Regardless of whether or not you do think he's real, you've posted pretending to be this "Mr Black" guy, therefore breaking another rule.

As for the story itself... I'm not about to lie to you, it's a Mary Sue. Don't base characters in stories on yourself, people can tell and a lot of them will rip you apart for it. It's written fairly well, but you should really havesigned up and introduced yourself before posting this. And even then, you should have shown us a link to the page on CreepyPasta Wiki.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 9:57 am

dont make me bring back our old friend jack black
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 1:21 pm

Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Clap1c

Nice attempt at a story. It was well-written and actually not that bad a read... up until the point you started bringing lame-ass anime references into it. Cut those out and then you'll have a decent, interesting Slenderman Creepypasta. But thanks for the story

Also, as Etreo pointed out, we don't post in character here. Ever. Nope, not even if your life depends on it. Because we post Out-Of-Game around here and the whole site is built to reflect that. None of us believe you're actually this Mr. Black guy and none of us are going to. If you wanna share a story, you put it under "Slender Media" and you label it as a Creepypasta, and THEN we'll be more lenient.

I can't prove stuff like astral projection, energy vampires, and shadow beings aren't real, but I can say I don't believe in any of them and that the Slenderman is definitively NOT real - and I've got plenty of evidence to back that claim up, unlike your baseless claims here. If you really are into dream readings, divination, and the paranormal, and someone really did post about having a Slenderman vision on a forum about those things, then I'm sorry, but you've been terribly trolled by someone trying to scare people into thinking he's real, or you have someone else who actually thinks he exists. Or you know, someone who watches too many series and keeps having recurring nightmares about them.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 1:28 pm

Honestly, I didn't care for that story on any level.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 1:34 pm

Mr.Black wrote:
Did you read and understand our Rules?:
Yes, but I skimmed most of it, common sense I assume?
The Rules wrote:
The Slender Nation is a Horror-based Forum Community dedicated to the
vast amount of media content pertaining to the meme known as "The
Slender Man".
If you had read the rules as you were meant to upon signing up, that's why they're shown to you first, you would be aware that this forum is for fans of a particular type of fiction. This is not a forum for your "paranormal experiences". If you want to stay and talk about fake Slender Man stuff, that's fine, but if you're really set on what you're doing, you'd best move along.
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Mr. Jeebles
Mr. Jeebles

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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 2:00 pm

Oi Etreo
we also have a rule against backseat modding, avoid that in the future thanks
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 2:08 pm

TheFallenenvoy wrote:
dont make me bring back our old friend jack black

Personally I'm quite proud of this STOPSIGN-ing.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 3:07 pm

I would have found and posted it for you, Envoy, but I'm not sure this kind of post (Mr. Black's, not yours) warrants much of any sort of further response...
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 4:00 pm

Quote :
It all started one winters night in 1994/95.

No it didn't.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 5:30 pm

Quote :
It all started one winters night in 1994/95.

It was a dark, stormy night. The wind howled ravenously as it sent flakes of blade-like ice flying towards the ground; the cold bit strong into me with chilling teeth. Twisted branches reached desperately towards the black sky, as if begging for salvation from the blinding snowstorm.

As if seeking solace from what dark thing they had been forced to hide for countless centuries upon centuries.

"Anna!" I cried, pulling my thin coat tightly around my frame and shivering with cold. The wan beam of my flashlight did nothing to pierce the inkiness of the surrounding dark forest. All was a black and white blur to me, assaulting me with frost that stuck to my eyelashes and stung my skin where it was bared. "Anna! Come home!"

Oh, Anna, my dear child Anna. A face like a cherub, a smile like the sun. She's only seven. This cold... this snowstorm, if she gets lost...

Oh God no. Not my only daughter. Please... please be alright; please, Lord, let her be alright!

"Anna, where are you?!"

No sound but the wind, and under that, silence. Pure silence. Not even the sound of snow crunching beneath my feet could be heard under that incredible quiet.

That silence in and of itself was chilling, far more so than the wind could ever be.

For It had had that same aura of pure, deathly silence around It when It... It...

He woke to the sound of her screaming, of her fearful cries for help. He had run to her bedroom, flashlight in hand, ready to vanquish whatever it was that so frightened his child. So quickly he had flung the door open, imagining already that he'd find her awoken from a nightmare, crying and needing solace in his protective arms. Needing a knight to destroy whatever dragon lurked in her dreams.

He did not find her in her bed.

The... thing, if It could be called a man, clung to his daughter with arms like jealous branches, and longer than he could ever imagine. It stood far greater than twice his height, easily outclassing his 6'3" frame despite being only half his width. And yet Anna made no sound, no cry for help, in fact looking strangely peaceful... as if she were where she wanted to be.

His breath seemed stolen from his lungs for a moment as the creature slowly turned Its head towards him.

And revealed nothing.

He froze in the presence of Its eyeless gaze, trembling like a child before a strict parent. Something... something black and vinelike reached for him from somewhere in the creature's back; now there were four, sixteen, twenty of them, all slithering towards him, all about to pull him close to the darkness surrounding It, all bringing an awful chill unlike anything God could ever create...

He remembered only waking up in his daughter's bedroom. The window was open. And Anna was gone.

"Anna... Bring back my daughter! Give her back..."

My grief and fear pulls me down, down to kneel in the icy drifts at my feet. Something salty and warm slides down my scarfed face, quickly turning cold. My daughter... where is my daughter? Oh God, what if that thing... what if It...?

No. No, please no. She can't be dead. Lord above don't let her be dead!

I bring my hands to my face in prayer, begging for help.

Our Lord Who Art In Heaven, save my daughter. Please. Bring her back to me safe and sound. And if she can't be found... then bring her attacker to me, and smite It before my eyes. Please, Lord... Please...

I feel someone approach, a heavy presence, as if the very gravity of the earth has increased tenfold.

And then nausea sets in. Crippling, painful migraine headaches, the feeling of something starving my lungs for air and never leaving despite how hard I cough, the need to vomit and being unable to... I feel weak, so weak... and so incredibly cold, colder than the surrounding wind.

I look up and see nothing, but clearly I still feel someone approaching. Is it... could it be...?

"... Anna?"

I pull myself to my knees and turn, but the frame I see before me is not Anna.

The man, if I can even call It man, towers over me, staring sightlessly down, the blackness of its suit standing in such stark contrast to the raging snowstorm around it. The nausea is so bad I can hardly stand, only able to stare back in disbelief.

"... You... You are not of God... You took her. You took my Anna! I want her back, where is my Anna!?"

The being gives me no response, instead tilting Its blank-canvas head as if intrigued.

"Answer me!" I scream, fear slowly turning into rage. "What have you done with my daughter?!"

Pure and crushing silence follows. The creature reaches for me slowly, first with one long and slender arm, then with many, many more, all branching outwards at odd angles, all aiming for me. They pull at me and cling with incredible strength, unyielding and far colder than the surrounding blizzard.

But I do not struggle. I do not need to. I suddenly can see no reason to attempt escape, not from this being that wishes no harm to me. He will take me to my daughter. I know this. He will.

The last thing I feel is something wrench painfully into my gut, spilling internal warmth into the surrounding snowdrifts, and the last thing I remember is the whiteness of the storm slowly, slowly fading to black.

... And THAT is how you write a Slenderman Creepypasta or short story. The end. ^w^
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 5:47 pm

I much preferred that story.

And holy CRAP, I just glanced up at the tv and there were a bunch of faceless people on it! It was an ad promoting awareness of identity theft or something, but perfect timing on its part...
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 6:03 pm

Mr. Jeebles wrote:
Oi Etreo
we also have a rule against backseat modding, avoid that in the future thanks
Eek! Yes Jeebles.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 13, 2013 6:55 pm

BravoBismuth wrote:
I much preferred that story.

That story isn't even my final form best work. I might clean it up and post it somewhere though; it was fun to write.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Next Entry: Basic Genesis of Humanoid Paranormal Entities (Introduction behind Theories)   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptyTue Jan 15, 2013 4:14 am

I use Mr.Black because I am an active member of Other Forums, only those who've known me for the last 2-3 Years will recognize me by the subject material and the way I type it. I am a Paranormal Theorist by Hobby, and no I am not making this up, this is not a Creepypasta. I've spent my entire life trying to understand a strange phenomenon that happens in Humanities daily life; paranormal phenomenon that is easily proven non-existant yet continues to thrive despite all rational, logical, scientific supporting evidence against! Just what is it that we are reacting to, what do our children truely see at night alone in the dark, why do we have religions and occults if there simply wasn't anything that drives us into accepting such "obviously frivolous" activities? My life has had things in it that are both a lie and a truth, things that will take us as a species many more centuries until we actually begin to realize what's really there beyond our normally functioning senses.

Chaos Theory is a great place to start. A single point, variables at the begining can be counted and observed within the first events as they grow in their directions starting foundational pathways, all are accountable in the first sequence. Mutation follows, upon each variable it compounds new variables unto itself, now this second sequence has even more events that spawned from all possible events before it, yet there still lies within it the origional pathways while new ones begin to grow. Upon the Third Sequence, it looks like a Tree; a log, branches, and twigs, yet we do not see the roots that came before it all and we never will. In this Third Sequence we must choose a pathway to travel on our own, treating each sequence as a step along the path we can follow, just that one pathway only as all the events around it shape the most probable next step to come. Some steps are more likely to happen than others, the unpredictability of it all is clearly present yet not impossibly unknown. Sometimes, we get lucky and see the step we are about to take before the events around us dictate in which direction it will follow. Learning your pathway at each step, ignoring all other variables that you will never know while ruling out the least likely pathways that wouldn't be walked ahead of us, we begin to see not only our own pathway but the pathways of those that intertwine into ours, Fate is what some call it, it is not without warning.

Inevitably is both predicted and unpredictable, we do not know its details other than it is "Fate's Fate" to happen at some point in some way. Slenderman is one such Inevitable. Many Events from may Pathways have intertwined to create what we now know, create, speak about, make "pretend" about this creature. Inevitably, it becomes so much more than that.........

As a Paranormal Theorist, I've read and heard many stories from many peoples as my short life has allowed me so far. I realized that most stories can be broken down into their base elements, like for instance wether they were humanoid in design, what they do to feed on our emotions, what kinds of people at what times are under such influence of these ideas. Medical Science proves very well that there are real answers to what triggers these "episodes", yet when you step back and then realize that the subject material never had to be what it was, you ask: Why can't the most insane person on the planet be haunted by cute fluffly pink puppies??? Why is our mind only showing us details of creatues that when you look at them through "Darwinistic Eyes" that they seem more alive and less imaginary than even the victim is experiencing?

A Normal Humanoid Entity of the imagination seems to always be attracted to specific people at specific times in their lives under specific guises that allow the Host a "deeper access" into the Parasites Activities than the other way around. This ensures that minimal activity is taken by the Parasite while the Natural Responses of the Host cause connections to be made, like how a Leech will latch intself to the skin while the Host pumps the blood making it accessable for feeding. Apply that to victims of say for example a Demon of the Christian Faith: In your mind your Religion has instructed you to say your prayers, not sin, go to church, thus God will protect you. If you stray from the rules, Satan will send a Demon to haunt you. You are then told what a Demon is, what it does. Eventually as you are Naturally Human you do break a rule of this lifestyle you've held for so long so well. (Just as you were told about Angels for doing good things, you've had suprisingly good health and good luck so far in your life. It feels like God favoured you above all else!). Now your Brain is reacting to this broken-rule event, causing you to believe that a Demon is actually haunting you, hurting you, stalking you, attacking you in your dreams. No matter how hard you pray, bathe yourself in Holy Water, Pray to God for salvation, that Demon never leaves your side as it visits you ever day and night, doing what it does. Eventually, if you can't handle it, you become destroyed by it in ways all of your own doing. In this Case, Religion not only kept to its rules but broke its rules as well, making Religion a Neutral and Useless Idea that had no overall effect other than being a story-plot design for the events that followed.

What happend was that in your daily life something happened that isn't common, strange events unfolded around it, and your brain created an identity for those strange events so that it could rationalize it. It doesn't matter what you believe, the information you have within your brain will become nothing more than a paint upon this canvas that is a pathway of insanity, a paranormal pathway that draws only its guise from your life and not its source. Why do we not simply ignore it, better yet the question to ask is: Why did our minds so easily recognize an invisible entity and was capable of instantaneously giving it an identity in which we can relate and act with it? Why does our Brain have a mechanism that recognizes something that doesn't exist within our 5 Common Senses and can help you to sense it by acting as an interpreter? An Interpreter of Events, showing you something that isn't there yet is responsible in some way for those events. This "Entity" exists in a place outside of our senses yet when your brain notices these events can extrapolate a fact that an Entity is the center-point cause of it all?

Now you have an imaginary friend that follows your everywhere. Young Children that have such friends do so because they have soo litle in terms of programming that we adults feed to them carelessly as they gbrow up. Religion, Monster Movies, the concept of Good and Evil, all of that is nothing more than Paint that the Artist Brain can use to fill in the invisible entity that is shaping the world around you and itself and that child.

Now in terms of Physics, Matter and Energy, Matter is nothing more than a kind of Energy, an Energy that is different from Energy as that is different from the next and the next and so on. Some Energies can contact and react to other Energies, while others are completely oblivious to other kinds of Energies, some are so far separated that they don't even compete against eachother for existance in a single point in space/time, some don't even have associations to space/time what so ever! In short, we have our Planet Earth that we experience and interact with, equally as does the Paranormal in it's version of Earth. Neather us nor them can we experience eachother directly. (If so, then the fabric of space/time would tear apart thus all the laws of Physics in our Reality would be destroyed, yet currently everything is in tact and designed to be structurally sound and stable hence they are "Laws". We couldn't even comprehend a mergence of these two realities because our senses are designed for our spectrum of the world, not theirs. Thus they would be truely invisible to us and totally irrelevant.) We have to assume then that there is a common spectrum of reality in between us that acts as a super-flexible wall (like plastic wrap, if you wrap it around your arm then the arm on the arm-side of the wrap is our Reality while the Air-Side is the Paranormal Reality) that both of us can comprehend as a sub-basic element factor of our existance yet not in any common way be a factor of it. Meaning that Yes our Human Senses can detect the existance of this "Mediator Space" yet it is not "commonly sensed" so that we do not fixate on its Laws of Reality but rather we Focus more-so on our own. The Mediator Space can be influenced and influence both the Human Reality and the Paranormal Reality. Paranormal Reality I theorize has evolved to take advantage of this.

All Human Accounts of a Haunting, regardless of Religion, Personal Experiences and Beliefs, psychologically all act and behave the same way. It's very fluidic yet constant (immovable to change) while the Laws of Physical Reality is very rigid and changing cyclically. Both Mind and Matter are influenced by Chaos Theory. All Variables of Our Chaos Theory within Space/Time Laws of Reality are constantly expanding from every concievable fixed-point in existance. As they all cross-over and collide into eachother, each "crossroad" (2 Pathways intersecting eachother) becomes a new fixed-point, and well you've already read my introduction on Chaos Theory at the begining (where the roots meet the trunk/log, what you need to realize is that branches and/or twigs become roots and roots make trunks and trunks make branches and twigs. The Psychological Mind are like Flowers, Leaves, and Fruit that have seeds. Seeds can create New Systems when harvested and planted correctly.)

In Paranormal Reality, I think that they've discovered a way to influence their world by infliuencing ours through the Mediatorial Space, in a sense mastering Chaos Theory. They have figured out how to make things happen by doing things that cause things to happen in order to get their desired outcome, by that I mean they've Eliminated Unpredictability in a Complex System or use it to their distinct advantage. In Our Reality, we experience the outcome of the First Sequence of Events each time a Paranormal Act is made. Sequence 2 Places us on a Pathway that the Paranormal Reality wants us to take. Sequence 3 is where they reap the results of all actions taken. Each Sequence constantly compounds onto itself ergo Sequence 2 became it's own Sequence 1, Sequence 3 became it's own Sequence 1 and 2 and something like that.....the Paranormal Reality is just as effected by these Events as we are due to the "pressures" being exchanged between our 2 Realities upon the Middle-Reality. I call this the "Eidolon Exchange". Think of it as though for a momment about the Poltergeist Phenomenon: Stuff Flies across the room entirely of its own will. Depending on how the Paranormal Entity in its reality has applied pressure onto the Mediatorlal Space, that said translation of action causes whatever to happen in our reality ergo let's say the metal cup flew across the kitchen because the electro-magnetic fields were suddenly controlled by the entity through the Mediatorial Space thus by our Laws of Physics all consequential actions immediatly follow thus the Cup flies across the room where the field as been displaced. Immediatly in our minds, we imagine a Demon grabbing a cup and throwing it across the room even though nothing is there to throw it, yet we know........

In the next Entry I'll cover the Act of Symbiosis as a Entity manipulates and Host Human under such guises as the Ghost of a Dead Loved One, a Shadow Person during Sleep, and a Servitor with an Occultist (Similar to Slenderman and a Proxy who acts on Slenderman's Behalf).
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptyTue Jan 15, 2013 4:38 am

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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptyTue Jan 15, 2013 10:40 am

Okay, that’s one nice long post, so let’s take this a step at a time.

Mr.Black wrote:
I use Mr.Black because I am an
active member of Other Forums, only those who've known me for the last 2-3
Years will recognize me by the subject material and the way I type it. I am a
Paranormal Theorist by Hobby, and no I am not making this up, this is not a
Creepypasta. I've spent my entire life trying to understand a strange
phenomenon that happens in Humanities daily life; paranormal phenomenon that is
easily proven non-existant yet continues to thrive despite all rational,
logical, scientific supporting evidence against! Just what is it that we are
reacting to, what do our children truely see at night alone in the dark, why do
we have religions and occults if there simply wasn't anything that drives us
into accepting such "obviously frivolous" activities? My life has had
things in it that are both a lie and a truth, things that will take us as a
species many more centuries until we actually begin to realize what's really
there beyond our normally functioning senses.

Hello there Mr. Black. Whilst it is great that you pursue a hobby in paranormal
theory, it feels very much out of place on this forum, where it is less topical
for such things to be discussed in a non-fictional context. I can counter quite
easily on why these stories thrive, and why myths and legends have trouble
disappearing. It can simply be seen that humanity loves a good story. Humanity
loves to find a higher cause. We talk of Gods, monsters and the
phantasmagorical to give an extra dimension to an ordinary mundane life. Also,
many lives deal with co-existing lies and truths, like a Schrodinger’s Cat,
where something is both living and dead in a single moment, or the art of
Double-Think as portrayed by George Orwell. It’s not as uncommon a concept as
you may believe.

Mr.Black wrote:
Chaos Theory is a great place to start. A single
point, variables at the begining can be counted and observed within the first
events as they grow in their directions starting foundational pathways, all are
accountable in the first sequence. Mutation follows, upon each variable it
compounds new variables unto itself, now this second sequence has even more
events that spawned from all possible events before it, yet there still lies
within it the origional pathways while new ones begin to grow. Upon the Third
Sequence, it looks like a Tree; a log, branches, and twigs, yet we do not see
the roots that came before it all and we never will. In this Third Sequence we
must choose a pathway to travel on our own, treating each sequence as a step
along the path we can follow, just that one pathway only as all the events
around it shape the most probable next step to come. Some steps are more likely
to happen than others, the unpredictability of it all is clearly present yet
not impossibly unknown. Sometimes, we get lucky and see the step we are about
to take before the events around us dictate in which direction it will follow.
Learning your pathway at each step, ignoring all other variables that you will
never know while ruling out the least likely pathways that wouldn't be walked
ahead of us, we begin to see not only our own pathway but the pathways of those
that intertwine into ours, Fate is what some call it, it is not without

I must admit, I’m not much of a science person, yet your
depiction of Chaos Theory seems off, as does its use as a parable. Your
description above seems closer to a kind of branching path probability, where
each step creates more and more branching paths as an event progresses. It’s
similar to what simple computer programs use to determine different variables,
based upon certain conditions. It follows a linear path. Chaos Theory however,
follows a nonlinear path, and is based upon the prediction of events in a
series of seemingly unpredictable and random systems. Consider a breeze. A soft
gentle breeze that crosses the Earth over several weeks, from America to the
far East. By the time it reaches the East, it brings with it rain. Now consider
that breeze at its starting point, except this time, a butterfly flaps its
wings. Instead of the breeze bringing rain to the East, the small change in
conditions due to the butterfly has seen it grow into a hurricane. Small, tiny
differences have large and drastic effects. This is the core part of a chaotic
system, and Chaos Theory. (From what I understand. If someone more
knowledgeable knows, feel free to correct me).

Your description sounds more like predicting the cause of
events, similar to economics, the concepts of induction and deduction, or going
slightly more sci-fi, psychohistory. By eliminating unlikely possibilities, and
measuring the possibilities, you reveal the most likely path. Yet it is not
Chaos Theory (as you do not imply that the system is seemingly chaotic, but
rather well ordered), and is hardly relevant among the realms of parapsychology.

Mr.Black wrote:
Inevitably is both predicted and unpredictable, we
do not know its details other than it is "Fate's Fate" to happen at
some point in some way. Slenderman is one such Inevitable. Many Events from may
Pathways have intertwined to create what we now know, create, speak about, make
"pretend" about this creature. Inevitably, it becomes so much more
than that.........

No, inevitability implies that an event cannot be changed,
and has nothing to do with predictability, unless one is predicting the
inevitable. And it would hardly be inevitable if it was wholly predictable. Inevitability
is either one, yet not both at the same time. And whilst your tangent is
interesting, Slender Man still remains a fictional creature, created by man.
And I seem to be missing your point in mentioning him?

Mr.Black wrote:
As a Paranormal Theorist, I've read and heard many
stories from many peoples as my short life has allowed me so far. I realized
that most stories can be broken down into their base elements, like for
instance wether they were humanoid in design, what they do to feed on our
emotions, what kinds of people at what times are under such influence of these
ideas. Medical Science proves very well that there are real answers to what
triggers these "episodes", yet when you step back and then realize
that the subject material never had to be what it was, you ask: Why can't the
most insane person on the planet be haunted by cute fluffly pink puppies??? Why
is our mind only showing us details of creatues that when you look at them
through "Darwinistic Eyes" that they seem more alive and less
imaginary than even the victim is experiencing?

You don’t make much sense here. Are you implying that
stories are in effect the creatures? Or that you can break down the elements of
the creatures from stories told about them? And actually, people can be haunted
by pink puppies. It is psychologically possible for someone who may be
considered insane to suffer from delusions involving pink puppies. Just look at
the Little Albert psychological experiment, where a young child was conditioned
to have a fear of white fluffy objects, just to prove that fear can be a
conditioned response. The child couldn’t go near things like rabbits or cotton balls
due to the fear. Various mental disorders cause different effects in the
sufferer, and not everyone suffers from nightmarish visions. I’m really
struggling to find the point of this passage, other than “Why are there stock
standard creatures that always seem to crop up, if they are not real or do not have
some anchor in reality, hmmmm?” My answer, if this is what you intended, would
simply be that stories have a way of spreading and propagating, especially when
they centre around the unknown and fear. Fear of the creatures in the night,
things like vampires and werewolves. Fear of the boogyman about to jump out of
your closet and snatch your children. A real life example might involve the
Red Terror and fear of Communisim in the 1950’s, where stories and propaganda
created an almost memetic response of shared terror, which still lingers on
today. Most of these terrors spread via stories, usually due to some historical
factors, and served as tales of caution. These recurring images and stories
serve as moral fables, if they serve any purpose at all, and a highly doubtful
to be of a paranormal nature, despite being ingrained over time into collective
human knowledge.

Mr.Black wrote:
A Normal Humanoid Entity of the imagination seems
to always be attracted to specific people at specific times in their lives
under specific guises that allow the Host a "deeper access" into the
Parasites Activities than the other way around. This ensures that minimal
activity is taken by the Parasite while the Natural Responses of the Host cause
connections to be made, like how a Leech will latch intself to the skin while
the Host pumps the blood making it accessable for feeding. Apply that to
victims of say for example a Demon of the Christian Faith: In your mind your
Religion has instructed you to say your prayers, not sin, go to church, thus
God will protect you. If you stray from the rules, Satan will send a Demon to
haunt you. You are then told what a Demon is, what it does. Eventually as you
are Naturally Human you do break a rule of this lifestyle you've held for so
long so well. (Just as you were told about Angels for doing good things, you've
had suprisingly good health and good luck so far in your life. It feels like
God favoured you above all else!). Now your Brain is reacting to this
broken-rule event, causing you to believe that a Demon is actually haunting you,
hurting you, stalking you, attacking you in your dreams. No matter how hard you
pray, bathe yourself in Holy Water, Pray to God for salvation, that Demon never
leaves your side as it visits you ever day and night, doing what it does.
Eventually, if you can't handle it, you become destroyed by it in ways all of
your own doing. In this Case, Religion not only kept to its rules but broke its
rules as well, making Religion a Neutral and Useless Idea that had no overall
effect other than being a story-plot design for the events that followed.

You swap tangents half-way through, making this a pain to
read. Honestly, I’m really not feeling this host idea, mostly because it seems
quite similar to a succubus (without the sex) or a Tulpa. And I’m unsure as to
where this Parasite has come from. Demons however, I do know about! And
depending on which sect of Christianity you believe in, Demons do different
things. Some act as you describe and haunt people, ruining their lives. Other
times, demons do nothing, and remain in hell to punish the wicked. Then there
are various levels of demons in some cases, with the princes and dukes of Hell.
It can all get rather complex. Also, it is wise to note that Satan has no
control or power over demons. It’s disputable as to what he is (as many of the
works in which he is presented as a fallen angel come much later, closer to the
Renaissance era). Though I think I gather some of what you mean. The human mind
sets up its own code of beliefs and morals, yet when these are broken, the
person fears punishment. Because they fear such punishment for their actions,
it ways them down, and they eventually drown under its weight, normally under
the presentation of what their fear represents. And your point about Religion
works only in the case you provided, and diverts from the point you were trying
to make in the first place.

Mr.Black wrote:
What happend was that in your daily life something
happened that isn't common, strange events unfolded around it, and your brain
created an identity for those strange events so that it could rationalize it.
It doesn't matter what you believe, the information you have within your brain
will become nothing more than a paint upon this canvas that is a pathway of
insanity, a paranormal pathway that draws only its guise from your life and not
its source. Why do we not simply ignore it, better yet the question to ask is:
Why did our minds so easily recognize an invisible entity and was capable of
instantaneously giving it an identity in which we can relate and act with it?
Why does our Brain have a mechanism that recognizes something that doesn't
exist within our 5 Common Senses and can help you to sense it by acting as an
interpreter? An Interpreter of Events, showing you something that isn't there
yet is responsible in some way for those events. This "Entity" exists
in a place outside of our senses yet when your brain notices these events can
extrapolate a fact that an Entity is the center-point cause of it all?

Actually, it is entirely common. The human brain does try to
rationalise things we don’t understand. It is part of the wonderful thing that
is the human brain. It also deals with the blind spots that your eye can’t see,
among other tricks. It rationalizes things we do not understand, not because
they are paranormal in nature, but because sometimes it makes mistakes. A scenario
such as picking someone out in a crowd that you know, yet when you reach them
and find they are a different person who you don’t actually know. We’ve all
done it before. And there are more than 5 senses, even in things other than
humans. There are fish that can sense water currents and pressure, and bats
have echolocation. The brain does interpret, and is an interpreter. That is it’s
day job. And whilst I won’t dispute that human senses are rather lacking, the
brain would not be able to interpret something that the senses cannot pick up,
seeing as they are the input and output, like a keyboard and monitor for a
computer. It’s why don’t see things on the ultra-violet spectrum, or hear
noises beyond a certain range.

Mr.Black wrote:
Now you have an imaginary friend that follows your
everywhere. Young Children that have such friends do so because they have soo
litle in terms of programming that we adults feed to them carelessly as they
gbrow up. Religion, Monster Movies, the concept of Good and Evil, all of that
is nothing more than Paint that the Artist Brain can use to fill in the
invisible entity that is shaping the world around you and itself and that

Well, it could be disagreed that children have imaginary friends due to such
little programming. They still have to base their imaginary friend off some
sort of template, and not all imaginary friends are human. Hell, I had the
Street Sharks as imaginary friends when I was around three. And nothing is ever
carelessly fed to children in most cases. They learn from the environment
around them, not just from what they are told. Yes, it is like paint to the
brain, but it also fills a void in one’s knowledge, to be able to construct
arguments like this one.

Mr.Black wrote:
Now in terms of Physics, Matter and Energy, Matter
is nothing more than a kind of Energy, an Energy that is different from Energy
as that is different from the next and the next and so on. Some Energies can
contact and react to other Energies, while others are completely oblivious to
other kinds of Energies, some are so far separated that they don't even compete
against eachother for existance in a single point in space/time, some don't
even have associations to space/time what so ever! In short, we have our Planet
Earth that we experience and interact with, equally as does the Paranormal in
it's version of Earth. Neather us nor them can we experience eachother
directly. (If so, then the fabric of space/time would tear apart thus all the
laws of Physics in our Reality would be destroyed, yet currently everything is
in tact and designed to be structurally sound and stable hence they are
"Laws". We couldn't even comprehend a mergence of these two realities
because our senses are designed for our spectrum of the world, not theirs. Thus
they would be truely invisible to us and totally irrelevant.) We have to assume
then that there is a common spectrum of reality in between us that acts as a
super-flexible wall (like plastic wrap, if you wrap it around your arm then the
arm on the arm-side of the wrap is our Reality while the Air-Side is the
Paranormal Reality) that both of us can comprehend as a sub-basic element
factor of our existance yet not in any common way be a factor of it. Meaning
that Yes our Human Senses can detect the existance of this "Mediator
Space" yet it is not "commonly sensed" so that we do not fixate
on its Laws of Reality but rather we Focus more-so on our own. The Mediator
Space can be influenced and influence both the Human Reality and the Paranormal
Reality. Paranormal Reality I theorize has evolved to take advantage of this.

Okay, it took me a while, but I can see you’ve got the concept of parallel
realities and dimensions down pat. All those other energies being stuff like
dark matter, anti-matter, and other exotic particles from other places. Your
use of Laws is a little iffy though, as it is mostly theoretical as to what
would happen if we tried to punch a hole vertically or horizontally through the
universe. Maybe it would break and everything would end horribly, or maybe it’d
be all okay. You seem to be talking more about dimensions, which is
understandable. But remember, if we can’t see them, because they are on a
different spectrum, it is unlikely they’d be able to see or influence us. Even
if they reached the Mediator space, they would still be flying blind. Even with
evolution, unless they evolved to see our spectrum also.

Mr.Black wrote:
All Human Accounts of a Haunting, regardless of
Religion, Personal Experiences and Beliefs, psychologically all act and behave
the same way. It's very fluidic yet constant (immovable to change) while the
Laws of Physical Reality is very rigid and changing cyclically. Both Mind and
Matter are influenced by Chaos Theory. All Variables of Our Chaos Theory within
Space/Time Laws of Reality are constantly expanding from every concievable
fixed-point in existance. As they all cross-over and collide into eachother,
each "crossroad" (2 Pathways intersecting eachother) becomes a new
fixed-point, and well you've already read my introduction on Chaos Theory at
the begining (where the roots meet the trunk/log, what you need to realize is
that branches and/or twigs become roots and roots make trunks and trunks make
branches and twigs. The Psychological Mind are like Flowers, Leaves, and Fruit
that have seeds. Seeds can create New Systems when harvested and planted

Actually, human accounts of hauntings vary considerably. Some do bear
similarities, but most are very different. Not all hauntings are hostile, yet
some are. Some feature shadowy specters or floaty corpses, others feature no
physical subject what-so-ever. They are influenced by personal experience and
beliefs, and there are various contradictory psychological accounts. Your tree parable
for Chaos Theory is lacking here, and makes less sense then when it was first
mentioned. It feels unrelated to the previous and upcoming paragraph is all,
and confuses what exactly you are trying to say.

Mr.Black wrote:
In Paranormal Reality, I think that they've
discovered a way to influence their world by infliuencing ours through the
Mediatorial Space, in a sense mastering Chaos Theory. They have figured out how
to make things happen by doing things that cause things to happen in order to
get their desired outcome, by that I mean they've Eliminated Unpredictability
in a Complex System or use it to their distinct advantage. In Our Reality, we
experience the outcome of the First Sequence of Events each time a Paranormal
Act is made. Sequence 2 Places us on a Pathway that the Paranormal Reality
wants us to take. Sequence 3 is where they reap the results of all actions
taken. Each Sequence constantly compounds onto itself ergo Sequence 2 became
it's own Sequence 1, Sequence 3 became it's own Sequence 1 and 2 and something
like that.....the Paranormal Reality is just as effected by these Events as we
are due to the "pressures" being exchanged between our 2 Realities
upon the Middle-Reality. I call this the "Eidolon Exchange". Think of
it as though for a momment about the Poltergeist Phenomenon: Stuff Flies across
the room entirely of its own will. Depending on how the Paranormal Entity in
its reality has applied pressure onto the Mediatorlal Space, that said
translation of action causes whatever to happen in our reality ergo let's say
the metal cup flew across the kitchen because the electro-magnetic fields were
suddenly controlled by the entity through the Mediatorial Space thus by our
Laws of Physics all consequential actions immediatly follow thus the Cup flies
across the room where the field as been displaced. Immediatly in our minds, we
imagine a Demon grabbing a cup and throwing it across the room even though
nothing is there to throw it, yet we know........

Now, this is only an assumption you’re making, a rather large one without
circumstantial proof that another dimension exists, and is actively affecting
the outcomes of things in our world. Also they would not have mastered Chaos
Theory, but predictability and possibility. The whole point of Chaos Theory is
that it isn’t something that can be mastered, but is cause and effect on a
massive scale in unpredictable systems. And bringing in the Poltergeist
Phenomenon makes this seem more and more invalid in my eyes.

After all, why? Why would a group of entities, seemingly far
superior to us go to all this trouble? What reason would they have to throw
cups across the room and make spooky noises at people? Why?

Mr.Black wrote:
In the next Entry I'll cover the Act of Symbiosis
as a Entity manipulates and Host Human under such guises as the Ghost of a Dead
Loved One, a Shadow Person during Sleep, and a Servitor with an Occultist
(Similar to Slenderman and a Proxy who acts on Slenderman's Behalf).

Okay, Mod Time. Whilst this is nice and all, you’re treading
an awfully fine line. This post, over 2000 words long, made only one mention of
Slender Man within the argument you’re making. An argument that is seeming to
take a while to reach it’s point. The Slender Man is a wholly fictional entity,
created as a Photoshop contest image in 2009 on the SomethingAwful forums, and
is unrelated to the Entities you are speaking of. Whilst it could make an
interesting theory for the fictional origins of Slender Man, presenting it as
you currently are is cutting it awful close to breaking the rules. In this case, you’re
close to breaking Rule 1 (no In-Character posting) and Rule 3 (No Spamming).
Rule 1 because this is awfully reminiscent of an In-Character post, and I’m not
totally convinced that it isn’t; and Rule 3, because this content seemingly has
little relevance to the forum, especially in the way you are presenting it. We
are not a forum for the paranormal and phantasmagorical, but are one for the discussion
of the fictional construct that is the Slender Man. Consider this an official
warning, and your final warning. If you continue, you will likely face a ban. I
would highly suggest that you read the RULES before continuing, and have a nice day.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptyTue Jan 15, 2013 12:55 pm

what are you saying shayde

slenderman is real. he comes over and gets drunk and plays Halo 4 with me. Once he climbed the church spire singing Sympathy For The Devil

Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Tumblr_m99kuqhu3R1qkuaxeo1_500
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptyTue Jan 15, 2013 3:12 pm

Fabulous, Shayde.

Also, the chemist in me needs to make this point, and make it now, because it is driving me up the damn wall:


It is not a form of energy. Electromagnetic radiation is, but not matter.

Matter constitutes all things that take up space and have mass. Plasmas, gases, liquids, and solids. Those are the phases of matter, and they all, you guessed it, take up space and have mass.

But energy does not have mass, nor does it take up space. Energy is transferable. Energy happens when matter reacts with other matter. Energy is purely just energy. Light, heat, and sound are all forms of energy. Radiation's a form of energy.

But matter is not a form of energy, and energy is not a form of matter. That's something you really should have learned in your 7th grade science class. I know this is pseudoscience you're talking about, Mr. Black, but for the sake of all that is holy, PLEASE at least realize that even pseudoscience takes basic scientific principles like the difference between matter and energy into account.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySat Jan 19, 2013 11:47 pm

Next Entry won't be for a while. I just stumbled upon a development in which adds a new layer to the capabilities spoken about in previous entries, showing the sentient nature within chaos theory and how interactions between environment, host, and entity are a 3-way symbiotic system and not just a 2-way like previously assumed.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 20, 2013 12:10 am

TheFallenenvoy wrote:
go away

I plan on doing so, after I was going to explain all the knowledge behind the questions I was going to ask all of you, something happened that made all my questions null-and-void. In other words, I need to draft and revise some new theories and scenarios so I can have you guys better fill in the blank information that I don't have that's needed to complete my research.

Sorry for the long-reading, I normally don't enjoy doing that kind of stuff but I thought I finally had things batted-down enough to give you guys the final swing at it. My problem is that the ball of information isn't round&sound enough yet to take the hits from you guys.

This Slenderman Forum, from my perspective is the new "urban legend" that fuels/causes future Paranormal Investigations across the globe that will be investigated by Millions of Investigators in every country that can access such informations. Even though Slenderman is FAKE, People will make Slenderman the "core problem" in their lives, hence alot of wasted time by investigators. The exception is that on some rare occasions investigators actually get real evidence that is auto-debunked because the subject is false, in other words "All Real Slenderman Evidence is False because Slenderman is a False Entity". My Theories are trying to provide the back-up support needed to help varify the potential validity of these rare events that are intentionally being ignored as garbage even when they aren't. Chaos Theory opens up the possibility of inevitability in a complex system when approached from a paranormal point of view, what I'm trying to do is find the "back-door" simple system that allows for a Slenderman Event to happen more frequently than on a 1-Time Inevitability perspective chance.

Just Recently, an example of such a back door just happened. Now I'm conducting an experiment to further explore it, hence I won't be back for a while, hopefully the entire year if I'm lucky.

Sorry for wasting you guys time if I offended or confused the heck out of anybody.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 20, 2013 12:31 am

Read this thread. Slenderman is fake, completely and conclusively. There is no evidence that it is real, in fact, plenty of "evidence" has been fabricated (as seen later in that thread).

Continuing to act like or even consider the possibility that Slenderman is real will result in you being banned from this forum.

Also, do not double-post. That violates rule #3 of the forum, which you still apparently have not read.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 20, 2013 1:30 am

Okay, Shadows gives up. This guy apparently is never gonna get the message so I'm just gonna mercilessly pick his post apart instead.

Mr.Black wrote:
Something happened that made all my questions null-and-void.

No it didn't, because your questions were all null and void to begin with.

Quote :
I need to draft and revise some new theories and scenarios

Okay, so long as they're ideas for Slendervlogs or blogs and not silly bullshit from someone that doesn't even know simple PROVEN FACTS like the PROVEN FACT that matter is not a form of energy.

Quote :
So I can have you guys better fill in the blank information that I don't have

Nobody's going to give you any information because there IS no truly canonical information on something that is chaotic fiction, plus you haven't made a very good impression by coming here and going, "So, Slendy's real guys, and I can prove it." Why would we want to play into that sort of silliness? Rolling Eyes

Quote :
That's needed to complete my research.

It's not research, it's your own personal beliefs and theories about the universe regurgitated into text on a message board. Personal theories about things that cannot be proven by any means to exist or not, things that have absolutely NO EVIDENCE or case studies done or any sort of proof beyond "Oh this person said she saw it and there's no way these photos from a website called SomethingAwful could possibly be fake! It must be 100% real!", DO NOT COUNT AS RESEARCH.


Quote :
I thought I finally had things batted-down enough to give you guys the final swing at it.

We have been taking final swings at it, with the hope we could knock it out of the park for good. Please don't come back, we really don't want to hear any more of your "theories".

Quote :
My problem is that the ball of information isn't round & sound enough yet to take the hits from you guys.

No, your problem is that everything you're saying is bullshit on this forum, because the Slenderman decidedly does not exist. Your "information" is NEVER going to be "round and sound" enough to stand up to anything we say because none of it holds any sort of water here.

Quote :
The exception is that on some rare occasions investigators actually get real evidence that is auto-debunked because the subject is false, in other words "All Real Slenderman Evidence is False because Slenderman is a False Entity". My Theories are trying to provide the back-up support needed to help varify the potential validity of these rare events that are intentionally being ignored as garbage even when they aren't.

... You were so close, Mr. Black. You were so damn close. No gold star for you today. :c

Look, I can't prove paranormal entities don't exist, and I can't prove they do exist either. I am not the person to give a final say on either and people are allowed to think whatever the hell they want. Hell, I believe actual, sentient extraterrestrials could be a possibility somewhere out there in the universe, and there's no real proof to back that up (the fact that extraterrestrial microorganisms exist not withstanding). But you're talking about using a belief in paranormal entities to prove that a being that is decidedly fictional is real. But you can't do that because HE IS DECIDEDLY NOT REAL.

Now, I have no problem with people believing in the paranormal; hell, I don't even personally care if you really, honestly want to believe that an entity that is PROVEN to be fictional is real. I'll think you're incredibly stupid and ill-informed for believing that, but I'm not gonna tell you that you can't think that so long as you keep the stupidity to yourself. But when you come here looking for validation that your beliefs are true, as you've been doing this whole time, then we get annoyed. Nobody wants these posts. They want actual coherent theories, not silly stories about monsters that you're trying to pass off as reality. Maybe you like to fantasize about "OMG it's really real!"-type scenarios, and that's fine. Everyone has those; they're called daydreams. Hell, even I have daydreams and weird little thoughts about the Mythos that make no sense, but I would never DARE insult anyone here by trying to pass them off as a serious theory. Please stop with the half-baked "theories" and "research" already. We're not buying it.

Now I'm going to leave, go have some hot cocoa with marshmallows, and forget you exist.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? EmptySun Jan 20, 2013 2:34 am

MOD EDIT: Post again in this manner, and you will be banned. We do NOT allow In-Character posts. I also direct you to BananaBrains' most recent post in this thread.
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Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species?   Mr.Black's "Mystery Man" (Shadow Person, Servitor, Slenderman?) New Humanoid Species? Empty

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