So anyway, I started this Vlog way back in November, pretty much because I've always wanted to do a Slender Man vlog, and so, one day i figured "What the hell, I might as well give it a shot."
I had been meaning to make a trailhead for a while but I just never got around, but well here it is.
Any thoughts?
p.s. The first few episodes has (By my own admission) some awkward at best acting.
p.s.s. Also, should this be in the New trailhead section, or this one, I'm not entirely certain. Feel free to move it if it's in the wrong one. Thanks.
Last edited by awkwardraptor on Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
TailsFoxy Slendervet
Posts : 1340 Current Win Points : 424 Join date : 2012-04-24 Age : 36 Location : Germany