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 Gesichtslos: Escape from the Labyrinth

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The Cripple
The Cripple

Posts : 3
Current Win Points : 7
Join date : 2014-02-15
Age : 24
Location : Necrovalley

Gesichtslos: Escape from the Labyrinth Empty
PostSubject: Gesichtslos: Escape from the Labyrinth   Gesichtslos: Escape from the Labyrinth EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 12:12 am

A role play that is set in a giant maze in a different dimension built by Slenderman (or The Gesichtslos as he is called). The goal is to escape from the labyrinth in one piece. 
Rules; Almost anything goes, except sexual content, no overpowered people, and you can only have up to two abilities.
Name: Felix Coolen
Abilities: Has control over ice and snow.
Appearance: Felix is very tall, at least 6'5 and has dark brown hair. His eyes are piercing blue.
Backstory: Felix was born and raised in Germany. He was exploring the woods near his house one day when The Gesichtslos took him, he was then forced into the Labyrinth, where he eventually gained the power of ice. Felix now has to participate in the game, against the creature that he despises. (Which is Slenderman)
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