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 She Char possible ARG?

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Join date : 2017-08-06
Age : 30

She Char possible ARG? Empty
PostSubject: She Char possible ARG?   She Char possible ARG? EmptySun Aug 06, 2017 4:19 pm

I found this channel the other day. I'm sure it's an arg. When I found the channel there was only one video titled "Again". In it, there's a shot of a closet, some pictures on the wall, and the window where there's a cup with something floating in it, and then it zooms into something written on the window frame. In between these there is a picture of an airplane, and a woman in a uniform. I can't really figure anything in the first video but I got the Morse code from the second video. (Probably because I'm awful at these kind of things.)
The channel is "she char" on YouTube
The videos aren't super spoopy, seems like they're done by someone who doesn't have very good video editing abilities.
But I'm still curious to see what's going on.
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