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 Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos

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Machine Gun Cynic
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptyFri Feb 22, 2013 7:52 pm

So I have been noticing a few people wanting to incorporate the fear mythos creatures in their vlog. Which is great! I dabbled in this myself with the series The Undecided Five. Its a lot of fun, trust me, but its also a lot of work. I'm gonna cut that research in half for you. You're welcome.
PLEASE NOTE -- I am making this very, very simple. If you want to know more, please go to my source which can be found here. If you are interested in these fears, I suggest reading some blogs about them, which can be found in the link before.
ALSO NOTE -- I wasn't too sure where to put this, so I hope I put it in the right spot. If not, I'm very sorry.

The Archangel - The fear of the afterlife; religious dogma.
Appearance: Mostly a figure wearing a gas mask. Has this symbol on the gas mask in most drawings.
Abilities: Can posses an already dead human body.
Things associated with The Archangel: Cults, religion, chess, the dead.
Followers: Timberwolves and Apostles
Alternate Version: The Ecclesiarchway

Black Dog - The fear of secrets; omens.
Appearance: A simple, black dog with red eyes.
Abilities: Some blogs depict the Black Dog being able to heal itself using the flesh of its victims.
Things associated with Black Dog: Secrets, regrets, chases, mystery, body horror.
Followers: None

The Blind Man - The fear of time; Old memories
Appearance: Old man who appears to be blind.
Abilities: Can take memories away
Things associated with Blind Man: Aging, memory loss, wisdom
Followers: The Archivists

The Brute - The fear of invasion; war
Appearance: Wrapped in chain mail, connected to an anvil.
Abilities: Though tied down, it seems to be leaking some sort of control into the world through his followers.
Things associated with The Brute: The Burning Bride, armor, smoke, chain mail
Followers: Crimson Knights
Alternate Version: The Minotaur

The Burning Bride - The fear of fire; Causing harm to oneself or others; anger
Appearance: Woman in bridal gown encased in fire with a veil of smoke/Woman made of fire/Fireflies
Abilities: Can give people an overload of information at once
Things associated with Burning Bride: Fireflies, fire, smoke, anger, rage
Followers: Unknown (But directly linked to The Brute)
Alternate Version: Hestia

The Choir - The fear of miscommunication; obfuscation
Appearance: Often depicted as a grey blur. Commonly used as an auditory hallucination.
Abilities: Alters perception
Things associated with The Choir: Interpersonal conflict, mental illness, warped reality
Followers: Greyskin

Cold Boy - The fear of isolation; disconnection
Appearance: A boy made of ice with cracks in his skin.
Abilities: Takes servants he calls his "friends"
Things associated with Cold Boy: Loneliness, depression
Followers: Children of the Cold

The Convocation - Fear of Nature; storms
Appearance: A flock of sentient birds
Abilities: Can transform into lightning. Can "nest" within a victim's body.
Things associated with Convocation: Historical lore and accounts, the sky
Followers: Nest

Dying Man - Fear of death; decay
Appearance: A multi-faced fear. Often depicted as a mirrored image of one's self.
Abilities: Can split into a number of "shards," and posses anything it wishes with those shards.
Things associated with Dying Man: Dying, decay, the dark sides of humanity.
Followers: None

- Fear of obsession; singularity
Appearance: Fungal strings/tentacles that surround the hive-minded humans.
Abilities: Can evolve the hive-minded human's bodies in unnatural ways and gain new limbs. The humans are called "Campers," which are EAT itself.
Things associated with EAT: Evolution, liquid, obsession, progression, mental/emotional development.
Followers: Hive-minded humans

Empty City - The fear of alienation; misdirection
Appearance: An endless urban city.
Abilities: Can change its appearance at will.
Things associated with Empty City: Being lost, foreign landscapes.
Followers: See "Nightlanders" And please note the entrance to Empty City is simply labeled, "Door."

The Eye - The fear of judgement; guilt
Appearance: A disembodied eye.
Abilities: Possesses humans to inflict pain on themselves.
Things associated with The Eye: Guilt, retribution, prejudice.
Followers: Judgement

The Grotesque - The fear of dreams; reveries
Appearance: Anything dream-like (i.e. Horned beast, still water, dreamland carnival)
Abilities: Can appear in one's dreams
Things associated with Grotesque: Nightmares, loss of touch with reality, helplessness
Followers: None

The Intrusion
- The fear of parasites; body invasion
Appearance: A hive mind of insects.
Abilities: Can infest a victim's home, crawl into their orifices, lay eggs in their stomach, and crawl their way out.
Things associated with Intrusion: Infestation, primal phobias, orifice infestation
Followers: Drones

Manufactured Newborn - The fear of the future; change
Appearance: Small infant or fetus
Abilities: Can grow bigger and bigger. When it gets big enough, it attempts to return to its home or, "Tower."
Things associated with The Manufactured Newborn: Technology, development, fears of the future, gospels/prophecies.
Followers: Towerborn and Thoughtborn

The Mother of Snakes - The fear of Self-Reflection; One's dark side
Appearance: A woman in a mirror
Abilities: Takes victims into the land beyond the mirror, which is often depicted as a desert.
Things associated with The Mother of Snakes: Snakes, mirrors, the concept of sin, becoming a cold person.
Followers: Lilim

Nightlanders - The fear of Mystery; structure
Appearance: Humanoid shadows
Abilities: Are directly associated with The Empty City
Things associated with The Nightlanders: The dark, unknown, enigma
Followers: They themselves are servants to The Empty City

Plague Doctor - The fear of Illness; mistreatment
Appearance: Medieval (or sometimes modern) Doctor wearing a plague mask.
Abilities: Its said that the plague mask is its actual face.
Things associated with The Plague Doctor: Disease, hypochondria
Followers: Oathbreakers

The Red Cap - The fear of Sex; Negative consequences of sexual activity
Appearance: Whatever individual it possesses (Called "Blood Vessels")
Abilities: Causes nosebleeds when the Scarlet-Marked are around it, thrives on blood of the Scarlet-Marked.
Things associated with The Red Cap: Sexual acts, orgies, self-harm, nosebleeds
Followers: Scarlet-Marked
Alternate Version: Tuonetar

The Quiet - The fear of nothingness; Existential terror
Appearance: Some type of force, often depicted "eating away at the universe"
Abilities: Is more than likely able to devour the world at any moment.
Things associated with The Quiet: Dread, looming fate, hopelessness
Followers: Sine Corda and Hushed Monks

The Rake - The fear of Brutality; creeping intelligence
Appearance: White, human-like figure which acts like a dog. Has sharp claws.
Abilities: Sometimes depicted as strong and/or fast
Things associated with The Rake: Violence, deep gashes
Followers: Maenads and others it has driven insane
Alternate version: The Anathema

Slender Man - The fear of Indescribility; the Eldrich; trees
Appearance: Tall and lanky, faceless man in a suit. Some depictions have tentacles.
Abilities: Uses tentacles. May or may not be able to force an individual into becoming a Proxy.
Things associated with Slender Man: Being stalked, coughing, insanity, mystery of the unknown
Followers: Proxies
Alternate version(s): The Beast, The Operator, many, many more...

Smiling Man - The fear of insanity; Strangers; being obsessed over
Appearance: Serial killer with red, scraggly hair. Has a wide smile and eyes uncanny to look at.
Abilities: Relies on the meanings of flowers.
Things associated with Smiling Man - Flowers, instability, suggestive romantic themes.
Followers: Speculated to have some but remain unnamed.

The Unnamed Child - The fear of Grief; jealousy
Appearance: A small girl with off proportions
Abilities: Victims fall enamored with her until she leaves them forever. The victim will then search for her for the rest of their lives.
Things associated with Unnamed Child - Jealousy, grief, foreign entities within one's family, names.
Followers: The Nameless

Wooden Girl
- The fear of control; abuse
Appearance: A marionette girl
Abilities: Controls humans as her puppets.
Things associated with Wooden Girl - Control, abuse, twisted love, bad relationships
Followers: Dolls or Puppets

FEAR CANDIDATES (everything italicized is known as a "Finnish Fear")
The Algeron Forest (The fear of regression; falling behind)
The Answer (The fear of choices; decisions)
The Bleeding Tree (The fear of ??? - Possibly connected to Slender Man)
The Deep (The fear of the unexplored; undiscovered)
The House of Fortune (The fear of chance; probability)
The Ivory Woman (The fear of unpredictability; uncertainty)
The King in the Mountain (The fear of ???)
The Man in Gray (The fear of disaster; unexplained phenomenon)
Nobody (The fear of being replaced)
The Vision (The fear of destiny; inevitability)
The Woman in the Wind (The fear of ???)
The Unbound Face (The fear of indecision; manipulation)

If you have any further questions, PLEASE by all means, post it in this thread or message me. I or someone who knows about the fear mythos will answer you!
Thanks for reading!

Last edited by NearTheEnd on Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:47 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptyFri Feb 22, 2013 10:02 pm

I am so glad you posted this, and linked your source. Not because I was trying to look for something like this, but because it's so awesome and interesting!
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptyFri Feb 22, 2013 10:08 pm

I actually had a lot of fun doing this!
How do Fears interact with each other?
How can I make my own original Fear?
Can I make my own original Fear?
Can more than one Fear be associated with one person at a time?
Are there things on this list you did not mention?
Are certain other things associated with a Fear already?

My inbox is open! PLEASE do not start a project you know little to nothing about!
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 11:21 am

Make my own fear?
That sounds FUN! Laughing
How do I create a fear?
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 4:16 pm

Just create a one. But it has to be accepted by the Fear Mythos community to become part of the FM pseudo-canon. The key people you'll want to convince are Alliterator, DJay32, NoFourthWall and RedRockingHood. And CuteWithoutThe, seen has he created the Mythos.
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Machine Gun Cynic
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 4:46 pm

So... Cults. How open are we to cultists worshiping the Fears?

Such as nefarious groups of people doing nefarious deeds out and about in the name of their twisted lords?
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 4:59 pm

Vaportwo: Etreo is right. And I would be lying if I said you didn't have to jump through a lot of hoops. There's a lot of things I didn't put on this list. Like I said, this is the watered-down version. You'd have to think of something reeeeally freakin' original.

Machine Gun Cynic: Very open! For example, the followers of The Quiet are better thought of as cultists. It all depends on which Fear the groups follow.
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Machine Gun Cynic
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:12 pm

So something as Eldritch and impersonal as the Quiet can have followers. How about the Rake or Slendy himself, physical beings, how would a cult worshiping one or both be seen by the audience?

I mean the Smiling Man is a no brainer, if you have fans, no not immensely involved studiers but actual admirers of someone as repulsive as Ted Bundy I'm sure they can admire or worship the Smiling Man. Or is that too much of a jump?
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:18 pm

Machine Gun Cynic wrote:
So something as Eldritch and impersonal as the Quiet can have followers. How about the Rake or Slendy himself, physical beings, how would a cult worshiping one or both be seen by the audience?

I mean the Smiling Man is a no brainer, if you have fans, no not immensely involved studiers but actual admirers of someone as repulsive as Ted Bundy I'm sure they can admire or worship the Smiling Man. Or is that too much of a jump?
That's a little of a jump, but that's okay.
As far as the Rake is concerned, to date, it has no followers. However Slendy, as many people know, has proxies. Proxies can be then branched off into categories.
Dark Harvest has a group called "The Order" which is a cult. I like to think of them as proxies, because they fit into one of the proxy categories.
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Machine Gun Cynic
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:32 pm

Uh huh, so we have a lot of slack in the cult/proxy department?

This makes me quite happy. So as Proxies go how open are we to them becoming well, lesser creatures in the aspect of what they worship, like the Plague Doctor's proxies, plague-ridden necrotic half-dead servants? More like Proxies MK2. How far off would that be?
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:42 pm

Machine Gun Cynic wrote:
Uh huh, so we have a lot of slack in the cult/proxy department?

This makes me quite happy. So as Proxies go how open are we to them becoming well, lesser creatures in the aspect of what they worship, like the Plague Doctor's proxies, plague-ridden necrotic half-dead servants? More like Proxies MK2. How far off would that be?
Yeah, it can be done. Mindless, controlled proxy things? Yeah. Let me give you the categories real quick. That might help you get a better idea. xD It does for me, at least. And its good info to have anyway.


Proxy: Someone who works for Slender Man

Agent: A type of proxy who works for Slender Man and did it of their own free will.
Hallowed: A type of proxy who was forced into becoming a proxy and seemingly have no personality of their own. Also referred to as "husks."
Revenant: A type of proxy, (Agent or Hallowed) that seems to have super-human speed, stregnth, and healing. The powers are later revealed to be an illusion.
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:45 pm

The Rake doesn't have followers per se, but he does hav proxies like every other fear. If I recall rightly, two tiers. Those who he drives insane, turned into crazed killing machines, and those who act as human vessels, the Maenads.

And yes, the cult department has a lot of blank space in the Fear Mythos. The Red Cap has a cult, as do the Quiet and The Archangel.
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:47 pm

Etreo wrote:
The Rake doesn't have followers per se, but he does hav proxies like every other fear. If I recall rightly, two tiers. Those who he drives insane, turned into crazed killing machines, and those who act as human vessels, the Maenads.

And yes, the cult department has a lot of blank space in the Fear Mythos. The Red Cap has a cult, as do the Quiet and The Archangel.
Ah, I suppose my source hasn't been updated. Thanks for that information! I'll update the list.
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:54 pm

Not a problem! I learned of the Red Cap cult in Confessions of an Apopheniac by Alliterator and I believe it was mentioned in Pyre for The Heart by Malus. And I believe the Archangel cult are the Timberwolves.
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:56 pm

Etreo wrote:
Not a problem! I learned of the Red Cap cult in Confessions of an Apopheniac by Alliterator and I believe it was mentioned in Pyre for The Heart by Malus. And I believe the Archangel cult are the Timberwolves.
Yeah, I got the Timberwolves down. I had no idea about the Red Cap and am looking more into it right now.
In fact, just to make sure I didn't miss anything else, I'm looking a bit harder into difference sources.
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 5:58 pm

Hello, people!

First, as I made EAT, I just gotta correct one quick thing: The Camper aren't EAT's followers; they're just another name for the individual human bodies in the hive mind. For all intents and purposes, The Camper are EAT, but they're labelled differently both for clarification purposes and, in certain stories, for obfuscation purposes.

Second, making a new Fear is easy! Feel free to make as many as you want and go crazy with them-- as long as it's in the context of your own story. c: Getting other people to use your Fear requires making the Fear look appealing, not just from a horror angle, but from a writing angle-- it's best that your Fear have much potential for experimenting. Getting your Fear on the series bible (the thing NearTheEnd linked to) takes a bit more time, as 1) we're still figuring out the "qualifications" for Fears on the series bible, 2) it's best that a Fear on the bible have a significant enough "backlog" of blogs by multiple authors, and 3) I have to feel like updating the bible. If the Fear has a picture or two to accompany it, that usually helps.
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Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 6:07 pm

It's hero-worshipping time.
DJay, I've been working on a new fear for my Danielverse blog. Would you consider the fear of Memories and the lack thereof as a suitable basis for a fear?
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 6:13 pm

Etreo wrote:
It's hero-worshipping time.
DJay, I've been working on a new fear for my Danielverse blog. Would you consider the fear of Memories and the lack thereof as a suitable basis for a fear?

Click this, that's been covered.

Now, this is where I start rambling about what "That Fear's been covered" means. It doesn't mean "Do not use that idea." It doesn't mean "Replace your idea with this pre-existing Fear." What it means is that I would highly suggest studying the pre-existing Fear and the ways stories have symbolized it and then seeing if there are ways to merge your idea into it. If there aren't, you can feel free to just go with your original idea. But I'm not going to add it as an individual Fear to the series bible; if I ever add it, keep in mind that it'd be a footnote under the pre-existing one. In this case, it would be on The Blind Man's page, citing your story as having a very creative interpretation of the Fear of memory/lack thereof.

Am I making sense? We don't want to shut out good ideas, but that goes both ways; we don't want to ignore older ideas that work just as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 6:16 pm

Gotcha. The character I'm writing does ascend to something higher than humanity, but this thread made the thought of him being a fear pop into my head. It's got to be hard to find something original to cover with a fear now though, now there's over 15(?)
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 6:28 pm

Alright, DJay, let me fix that along with all the other crap I just did oh lord what did I do to myself

Anyway, thanks. I started using the Fear Mythos wiki instead and... Just... God. Jesus.
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 6:32 pm

NearTheEnd wrote:
Alright, DJay, let me fix that along with all the other crap I just did oh lord what did I do to myself

Anyway, thanks. I started using the Fear Mythos wiki instead and... Just... God. Jesus.

You're very welcome! :D I'm happy to help for the Fear cause. As goofy as that sounds (IT'S WHY I SAY IT).
The Fear Mythos can be pretty tedious to keep up with and be accurate with regards to. But I find it's worth it.
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 6:34 pm

DJay32 wrote:

You're very welcome! Very Happy I'm happy to help for the Fear cause. As goofy as that sounds (IT'S WHY I SAY IT).
The Fear Mythos can be pretty tedious to keep up with and be accurate with regards to. But I find it's worth it.
Lord, yes. I love it but my God!
Ever since Undecided Five ended I admittedly haven't been engulfed in it like I used to be.
Bad idea on my part.
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 9:55 pm

I have a question actually: I want to use a couple of these for my series, so I was wondering if you guys would find it acceptable to mix them with the SCP? Also how interchangeable(?) are these fears? Like say I want to make the Blind Man a teenager or young adult instead of an old man.
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 10:05 pm

spawn250 wrote:
I have a question actually: I want to use a couple of these for my series, so I was wondering if you guys would find it acceptable to mix them with the SCP? Also how interchangeable(?) are these fears? Like say I want to make the Blind Man a teenager or young adult instead of an old man.

Absolutely and absolutely.

Funny story about both of those, actually. SCP-092's (that's the Red Sea Object, right?) one of my favourite anythings on the internet so I paid homage to it by putting a variation on its torso creatures in Rapture. I also do a variation on SCP-whateverSCPtheShyGuyis. (AND YES BOTH WILL BE CREDITED TO THE SCP FOUNDATION WHEN I GET TO THE CREDITS) And.. well, the Rapture interpretations of the Fears are some of the more well-known examples of the stranger interpretations. I give the slender man a mouth and a hat n' scarf. Some of EAT's Camper get blue hair. The Dying Man is nerfed to a Guy Fawkes mask. The Convocation are just outright turned into strange flying hand-things. And The Blind Man does actually appear as a teenager and a young adult at different points!

..so yes, really, you're allowed to do whatever you want with your stories. They will not be deemed "not canon." Or "fanfiction."
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PostSubject: Re: Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos   Information on the creatures of the Fear Mythos EmptySat Feb 23, 2013 10:12 pm

spawn250 wrote:
I have a question actually: I want to use a couple of these for my series, so I was wondering if you guys would find it acceptable to mix them with the SCP? Also how interchangeable(?) are these fears? Like say I want to make the Blind Man a teenager or young adult instead of an old man.
SCP's would be amazing! I would love to do it myself!
May I make a suggestion, though? If you make him a teenager, if the person aged rapidly over time.. OH MAN I WOULD LOVE YOU.
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