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 the lonely ones

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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySat Apr 20, 2013 10:38 pm

okay so the story defies what people commonly think about slender man but here goes....
everyone knows the story of the slender man, the creature that haunts children and then kidnaps them and they're never seen again. where does he take them, does he kill them? such questions have fueled peoples minds for years, but to this day very little evidence has been found to give any evidence of what happens to these children.
What no one considers though is perhaps creatures like the slender man, who are rumored to haunt and kill people are secretly the lonliest of beings, constantly yearning for a friend but due to one reason or another they are branded a freak, destined for eternal lonliness.
this dear readers is the story of those few brave souls who see past the surface, who have the ability to see past the surface and perhaps....just maybe one day ease the lonliness of these tortured souls.

//cheesy i know, but tell me if you like it, if not i'll just take it down don't worry Smile
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySun Apr 21, 2013 12:17 am

I like this idea... Perhaps I'll join this rp as well.
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySun Apr 21, 2013 9:07 am

alright! let's see then template design......
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySun Apr 21, 2013 9:21 am

i'll just use the same character i used for your other rp so yes you'll recognise this, history'll be a bit different though
Name: Ciera
age: 8
Appearence: brown hair and green eyes. slightly tanned skin from spending so much time playing out doors. tends to wear tank tops and blue jeans so she can run around, as well as sneakers.
likes: adventures, mysteries, and books
dislikes: people, being bored, stupid things
personality: hermit like describes Ciera very well as she hasn't spoken a single word to those outside her family in many years now. she p;erfers to keep to herself and often goes to hide out in the woods, perferring the company of animals, plants, and trees to her own kind that are her own age.
history: ciera was born to a quiet family who lived at the edge of the woods. cut off from any form of a city ciera was left to grow up with nothing but books and the outdoors. as she grew up she developed an extreme attatchment to these things, spending practically all day, and as much of the night that she could, hiding within her beloved trees with a favorite book.
On her eighth birthday however all of that changed, her family decided that she needed at least a little bit of socialisation, more than she got from her family, and so packing their things up they moved to the city which broke ciera's heart.
She made an effort at school of course but she was terrible with the other children and found herself constantly teased and ridiculed for being smart and "different" than the other kids, soon she lost count of the number of days she cried herself to sleep.
she knew what she had to do....and where she had to go, she needed to return to her beloved woods to return to everything that existed there and make this terrible nightmare that haunted her cease. so sneaking out one night that's exactly where she headed, two hours up the road back home.
extra: yeah her creepypasta is going to be slendy XD
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 5:21 pm

//anyone else?
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 5:59 pm

I might join...breaking the laws of average sound pretty fine to me.
name: Katherine Holstein (I just want to try having a female character)
age: 21
Appearance: Katherine is at least 5'6" and has bluish green hair. She usually dresses in a skirt that goes down to her knees and looks gothic. She loves urban myths and old lore, and has a scar going across her left eye. Her eyes are blue and she has a pale tan skin color.
(Shut up I just want to try out a female character.)
Likes; she loves cats (Funny I actually really like cats seriously theyz just AWESOMES!!!!!) She is bisexual (I had a friend...she told me) and likes a cup of cream coffee
dislikes: Does not like dogs, does not like new buildings, hates society. 9i do too...obviously)
Personality: Bright and bubbly. happy, but serious when needed, she also loves and cares a lot.
History: Born and given to an orphanage, her first foster parents where abusive. But it got worse. When she was twelve her third pair of foster parents abused her, drugged her, and sold her as a sex slave. For two years she was sold around. she was then rescued and put in a good home. she now lives alone with her cat Selina and her guinea pig mittens. (I swear to god if someone calls me girly...)
Extra; she has a silver knife she dipped in holy water and lambs blood, to match the lore anything can die by this blade.
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 6:31 pm

//might wanna mention she's related to the jeff the kill/jane the killer mytho's for those who don't know but accepted Smile
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 6:42 pm

(I'll be making an application as soon as I have access to a computer that will allow me on this site (the school recently blocked this site -_-), since my iPhone would screw up the formatting and make it hard to read.)
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 7:08 pm

//XD i understand, if anyone wants to double character they can since we only have 3 people so far including myself.
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 7:10 pm

Really? 3 people? also what are the rules?
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 7:18 pm

um no graphic sex if you ever get to that point, but that's about all XD oh and no god modding
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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 7:31 pm

(Where exactly will this story start again?)
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 8:33 pm

//basically wherever anyone wants to picks up, they could all live in a small rural town where a portal to hell opens up and these creatures start spawning XD
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 9:25 pm

Name: Kathleen Noah (Nickname: Rainbow)

Age: 17

Personality: She is typically happy most of the time. She has child-like tendencies, such as her love of candy and sweets, and her habit to stop and pet every friendly cat and dog she sees; but also has cat-like tendencies (such as playing with cat-toys, sleeping much more then the average person-10 hours of sleep per day is normal for her-, and her general laziness) and a teenager-like dirty mind at times as well. She is fiercely loyal to those she deems as friends and will hurt anyone that tries to hurt her friends. She does however, have the bad habit of trusting people to easily, often seeing only the good side of that person and not being able to see the bad intentions behind their words or actions until it's too late. She rarely ever gets angry, truly angry, but when she does; watch out. She will go on a rampage and attack anything and everything she doesn't deem a 'friend' until she is either; knocked out, passes out from either blood loss or energy loss, or until someone somehow manages to calm her down (In other words, it's extremely hard to piss her off, but if you somehow manage to do it, run like hell). She also often, most of the time unknowingly, uses her adorableness to get what she wants.

Appearance: Kathleen is 4-ft, 11 and inches tall (which she used to complain about all the time). She has short, light brown hair that is styled to be shorter in the back and longer in the front. In the front, her hair comes to just below mid-neck and frames her heart-shaped face nicely, but in the back it only comes to the top of her neck. She has cornflower-blue eyes, purple-framed glasses, nails filed to a sharp point, and pale skin. She typically dresses casually, usually wearing jeans and a shirt with either a design or words on it, since she finds plain T-shirts to be to boring for her tastes. She has some curves, but complains about her small, A-cup breast size. She is often seen wearing a cat-like, silk ribbon bell-collar with a silver bell on it. She also always carries her mid-sized, zebra print purse; which has a long strap to go around her body so she won't accidentally drop it, and contains a surprising amount of stuff (everything from thread, scissors, and safety pins to mini energy drinks and a small flashlight; she has something for most situations you would find yourself in in there, which is why some people claim that the Lost City of Atlantis is in there), with her at all times. All in all, she has an irresistible, kitten-like adorableness to her.

Hobbies/Likes: Animals (especially cats), watching anime, reading manga, sewing, making cosplays, reading and writing fanfictions, the paranormal, playing video games, cooking (mainly desserts), listening to music, and sleeping/being lazy.

Dislikes: overly-religious people, hypocrites, homophobes, country music, spiders, most bugs, almost all types of seafood, people who make fun of her friends, people who hurt defenseless animals, the dark, and being alone.

History: Kathleen was born and raised in the small town and was a normal, happy girl with a lot of good friends and an... ok-ish (not really) family. She never really liked her family; her mom was an overly-religious, hypocritical, narcassistic, hover parent and favored her little brother over her; her little brother was a stuck-up, arrogant baseball star, an extreme flirt who was always surrounded by girls and was dating a new girl every other week, and who always did bad things (such as damaging property, stealing, and crashing the car), but never got in trouble for it; her dad was the only one she ever liked, since he was nice and would talk to her and help her with her problems, but also knew when she wanted to be left alone. When she was 15, she got her first girlfriend (yes, she is a lesbian, she has no attraction to guys other then as a friend or adopted family member). She had to hide her sexuality and her true relationship with one of her 'friends' from her family, for obvious reasons seeing as her mom was a psycho-christian and her entire family was strongly anti-gay, on both her mom and her dad's sides. She went out with her girlfriend for just barely over a year, and she loved her more dominant girlfriend (she is a 'lipstick lesbian', or the female of the relationship) very much, but ended up having her heart broken when her girlfriend broke up with her (over text and not even in person, no less), claiming that she just didn't love her anymore. Two weeks after her horrible break up, her depression (which she had been doing well passing her moping off as her usual laziness to her family, and whenever she broke down and cried, she made sure her family wasn't around, then she would hide the puffiness and redness with make-up when they got back) worsened when she found out that her ex, who had claimed she was a lesbian and had no interest in guys whatsoever, was going out with a guy that she had met the day she broke up with her. However, after being depressed for an entire summer, she finally decided her ex wasn't worth it and pushed her sadness and hatred deep down inside of her and is moving forward with her life, smiling and laughing with her friends, enjoying being the president of the anime club at school, and being her happy 'Rainbow' self.


-Quirks/Habits: Sometimes has very cat-like behavior (She even relaxes and purrs when someone pets her hair), when she hears a person calling her name, instead of saying "huh?" or "Yes?" like most people, she typically says "Nya?" or "Nyan?" (which is basically the Japanese version of 'meow'), she tends to stare off into space when she's thinking, and quote random songs and manga at times.

-Weaknesses: She is afraid of spiders, especially when said spider is on her. If not, she'll just try to either go around it or squish it, or get someone else to squish it; if it is, however, then she might start hyperventilating and crying until someone gets it off of her. She also has bad eyesight, she can't see without her glasses; she has no aim (the expression 'couldn't hit the broad side of a barn' is pretty accurate here); has never shot a gun in her life; and is physically very weak (unless you somehow manage to piss her off, then it's like you've released the daughter of satin himself).
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 9:36 pm

accepted but again....mind telling me which creepy pasta you're going for here? XD
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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 10:25 pm

(Any/all. I'm not picky and Kathleen/Rainbow tries to be friends with all the other 'misfits' like herself that are generally rejected by the 'normal' (which she calls 'dull, boring, stupid, pointless, etc...') people in general, she hates humans most of the time and hates having to call herself a human after constantly hearing how idiotic or cruel (or both) humans can be towards helpless creatures and their fellow humans.)
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 10:27 pm

//okay lol ciera's kinda the same way but i just think she identifies with slender more because she grew up in the woods XD
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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 10:29 pm

(Kathleen generally doesn't really like 'nature' or 'outdoors'... Or even 'the sun' for that matter...)
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 10:47 am

//XD i see....well should we start then?
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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySun Apr 28, 2013 1:07 am

(Who's playing Slendy and Jeff and all them?)
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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySun Apr 28, 2013 1:28 am

//at the moment no one unfortunately Sad
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the lonely ones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySat May 04, 2013 9:55 pm

I'll be jeff. I need to test my wings, or else I'll never soar over the lands filled with pollution and politics and whores all watching their child pornography.
(that's a reference-can you guess?)
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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyTue May 07, 2013 1:50 pm

//okay we still need a slendy at leas though and no I cannot XD
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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptyWed May 08, 2013 5:56 pm

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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  EmptySat May 11, 2013 8:32 am

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