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 the lonely ones

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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyMon May 13, 2013 10:05 am

I'll be Slenderman. Need to check how I do with RP's lets see how this goes.
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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyMon May 13, 2013 6:31 pm

Alright, i'll go ahead and start!

Ciera was walking in the woods quietly a few books tucked under her arm as she headed for her usual place that she liked to read at, the center of the woods, a nice little grove of trees and flowers that always relaxed her and helped her concentrate on her studies.
//sorry for a crappy start....a bit brain dead XD
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Location : Stuck alone in a padded cell with myself-oh wait, thats my mind.

the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyMon May 13, 2013 9:05 pm

(I'll start as Jeff, but switch to Ms. Holstein in the middle)
He watched the girl walking. Oh, how sweet it is, the sensation being filled. But he had to be quick. Before her friend got there. He had to make sure nothing went wrong.
Jeff slowly started to raise his knife, ready to take another girls life.

Bobby was seething. At least, in his head he was.
Why had Michelle dragged him here? it made him mad when she went out to fill her 'thrill chills'. Whatever that meant.
Bobby looked around him. She'd dragged him to an old abandoned factory off in the woods. There was rumor it was haunted, which was why they were-
"What the hell?" Bobby started walking in the direction of the sound.
Probably Michelle pulling a prank.
"Michelle, cut it out. I know it's you. Come out here."
Bobby looked down. He had just stepped on something soft, yet hard.
It was an arm.
"Oh god oh god oh god-"
He turned around and saw someone standing there.
He had the most hideous face. His eyes were surrounded by black, and he had a smile carved in his face.
"I think you're right. It is Michelle. Well, part of her, anyway."
And with that the man leaped at Bobby, before the red sea, turned black.

Kathy looked at her news paper while she got out her notebook.
two people missing. Wow. Such a great inspiration for a new story.
She then thought about it, then decided it could work.
she looked over as Selina jumped up on her desk.
"Hey girl. How are you?"
Petting her cat, she heard a crash outside. since she was so paranoid, she decided to check it out.
As she pulled back the curtain, she got the worst feeling she shouldn't.
But she did.
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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyThu May 16, 2013 11:25 am

//you kind of stuck yourself in no mans land as there is no way I can respond to that :/
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Location : Stuck alone in a padded cell with myself-oh wait, thats my mind.

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PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyThu May 16, 2013 9:49 pm

//Just so you know it is possible to continue on your own, even when other people are going.

Jeff looked down at the two newest members of his collection. The girl's body was horribly disfigured, and in pieces, while the boy had just a slash in his throat.
"Meh heh heh..." Jeff chuckled.
Jeff went over and looked out one of the windows, out into the woods. He spotted movement.
This will be fun, he thought, and with that he took off.
He did not see the tall figure hiding in the trees nearby.

Kathy looked down at the raccoon going in the trashcan.
Kathy hurried over to the phone and picked it up.
"Ms. Holstein?" Said a mans voice.
"Yes, this is her," Kathy said.
"Ms. Holstein, we saw your job application for a nurse at any nearby mental institution. We liked what we saw, and would like to ask if you would come in for an interview tomorrow."
"Yes, that would be fine," Kathy replied.
"Ok. The institute is in Parktown. It will be hard to miss us."
With that the phone went dead.
"Oook," Kathy muttered. "That was odd."
With that she went back to writing.

Jeff watched the girl sitting next to the tree.
Three people in one night. It's been awhile since I've seen this many, Jeff thought. He slowly started to circle around the girl when he noticed something.
A red light, on his hand.
Then he realized they were all over his arm, and his chest. He looked up in surprise.
A man came walking out of the bushes.
"It's over Jeff. You lost. You're not going to hurt another soul...ever," The man just about growled at him.
The girl looked up in real surprise, like she had no clue.
She probably didn't.
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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 4:38 pm

Ciera heard the commotion in the distance and jolted from her sitting position under the tree her body shaking as she watched the trees sway and resume the blessed silence. What was the commotion about and why was there a commotion in a place like this?
Frozen to her spot she looked on in horror. A man....no a boy....with a bloody smile carved into his face and covered in the red dots of snipers watched another older man in horror and defeat? who was he, who were either of them and what did they think they were doing defiling HER woods with their violence.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" she asked sternly walking over to them bravely.
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Location : Stuck alone in a padded cell with myself-oh wait, thats my mind.

the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 5:27 pm

Yes, Jeff thought, just a little closer now...

Kathy was getting bored. She suddenly decided to go for a drive.
Maybe I'll see something good for a story, she thought.
It did not take long for her to be drawn to Parktown.
She was going to find the institute, scope it out.

Jeff watched the girl boldly walking towards them. She had to of been very stupid to come this close. Or curious. Or brave.
"Stay back! This teen is very dangerous. He's killed over 30 people." The police man said, taking a large step forward.
perfect, Jeff thought, and he grabbed the police man, blocking off all the snipers, and he slowly started towards the girl...
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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptySat May 18, 2013 6:51 am

The girl watched him curiously as he approached her not seeming to fear him at all.
"why?" she asked him quietly her eyes never leaving his.
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Location : Stuck alone in a padded cell with myself-oh wait, thats my mind.

the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptySat May 18, 2013 10:39 am

Kathy stared at the institute, not believing her eyes.
It was like that one asylum from batman, she thought, all big and scary.
She quickly drove home, not sure what to think.

Jeff smiled at her, since, well, he couldn't' do anything else.
"Because I have to," he said, and he slit the policeman's throat and started to run away, grabbing the girl by her hair to take him with her, when he felt something prick his arm.
What the hell? Jeff looked.
A tranquilizer dart.
"Fuck me," He murmured, starting to feel the effects. His hand loosened, and he stumbled a few more feet before he fell.
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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 2:28 pm

The girl walked over silently easing his way onto the ground as the tranquilizer took affect over his senses. She had always been trusting and naïve, always wanting to help those around her, this boy was no different, he must be lonely and in need of a friend right?
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Location : Stuck alone in a padded cell with myself-oh wait, thats my mind.

the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 10:07 pm

Kathy felt a pain in her arm. She looked.
She drove home alone, a song, sad and yet beautiful on her radio. Sweet dreams are made of screams, piano version. No lyrics. So beautiful. So...beautiful.
She did not notice she was heading back to the asylum.

Jeff opened an eye.
Tranq darts were easier to resist when you shot one in yourself every night when you had no booze to help you sleep. He looked at the girl helping him down.
The hell...?
The police were coming quickly. All at once. Thy thought he was out.
Wrong move.
He shoved the girl aside, leapt past the first one, and stabbed the second ones throat quickly, then onto the third. He slashed out one of his eyes and turned to the fourth. He kicked his groin and slammed the knife into the area of his head where it connected with his spine. Then he shoved the knife into the fifth one's neck and left it. He grabbed a rock and hit the last one, the first one, hard over the head.
He fell, dead.
Jeff turned to the girl.
"Why be nice now? Why would you, and not be scared, huh girl?" Jeff looked at the rock.
"IT's getting late. There could be rapists out here. GO."
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Cracked Eye
Cracked Eye

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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: the lonely ones    the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyWed May 22, 2013 2:36 am

(Hey hope it isn't to late to join)

Name: Tiki Jack

Age: Unknown, but looks very old.

Appearance: Tiki is large wooden living puppet. His head is a large wooden tiki mask resembling that of an angry face, however the faces change depending on mood. Tiki is very tall standing at 6'7. His arms are very lanky as well. The wood that his body is made out of looks to be made out of oak and is very warn and tattered. Tiki wears a tattered suite and leather shoes. His hands were sharpend into claws by his creator and the top of his left hand has the letters "T J" carved in. Tiki looks quite old and indeed he is.

Likes: Trees, Woodland creatures, being on his own.

Dislikes: The tall thin thing that terrorizes the forest creatures, humans, anyone wanting to do him harm, fire.

Personality: Tiki will be kind to the forest animals, but if anyone or anything makes an aggressive move towards him he will respond with valance. Tiki tries his best to be kind but he has a hard time with social interaction because most people just run from him when he tries to reach out to them. Tiki has resorted to hating the humans, and will attack if provoked even the slightest. Tiki isn't stupid either, he often thinks to himself and try to have a conversations with himself. However, his level of thought is no higher than an 8th graders.

History: Tiki Jack was created to be the guardian of a tribe that lived in the forest. Tiki was supposed to protect the tribe from slenderman, but failed. The tribe was killed off by slenderman, and that left Tiki to live with out a purpose. Tiki took to stealing from the near by human residences for fun. The locals got a few shadowy pictures of Tiki's face and left hand and gave him the name Tiki Jack. Now Tiki just sticks to hiding from the humans and protecting what he can of the forest.

Extra: Tiki can not talk, instead he uses gestures and facial emotions to make his point. Even though Tiki is very old and warn his body can still hold up to some attacks (such as small arms attacks, ((knifes, small hatchets, small rocks)) and some of the natural elements ((wind and rain)) ). However, Tiki doesn't do well with fire, heavy gun fire, and large weapons.

//I just thought it would be cool to try and do a non human character. Please let me give it a shot.//
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James Oliver
James Oliver

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the lonely ones  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: RE: the lonely ones   the lonely ones  - Page 2 EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 8:08 pm

Character application sheet-

Name: James Oliver

Age: 16

Personality: Shy, Quiet, Humorous, (if you ever talk to him)

Appearance: Slim, Tall, Always wears a jacket of some sort, Wears glasses

Bio: Just moved into town a few weeks ago has no reasons to make friends since he has his old friends from home that he can simply contact on the Internet.

Family connected to your character (if it applies): None his parents were said to have died in a 'fire'

Hobbies: Getting on the Internet, reading, exploring the woods, and swimming

Likes: 'blue kitten', The woods, books, the Internet, and water

Dislikes: Social contact unless forced or a have to situation

Grade: 11

Anything else you'd like to add: I hope the Slenderman RP community enjoys my application (and accepts it) as much as I plan to enjoy this RP!
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