Hello Slender Nation. Who's up for a text adventure game? I have tried in the past to get one going, to no avail. Hopefully I'll have better luck this time.
I'll let you guys suggest topics. This will be entirely text-driven. Keywords will be highlighted.
EXAMPLE: [Narrator]: You enter a dimly lit room. To the right of you is a wooden table. On the other side of the room is a small bookshelf. To the left of the room is a door.
[Player]: John: Use door.
[Narrator]: Huh? It appears the door is locked. Perhaps there's a key somewhere around here?
[Player]: John: Examine bookshelf.
[Narrator]: Upon closer examination, you notice a small key wedged in between one of the books. Take it?
[Player]: John: Take key.
[Narrator]: You place the key in your inventory. You have 4 slots remaining.
And so on. Anyone interested?