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What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? Empty
PostSubject: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 12:02 pm

My favorites, in order, would have to be:

1) MarbleHornets (predictable) for the overall genius storyline and the creepiness.
2) TribeTwelve for the best effects and acting, along with the scariness.
3) EverymanHYBRID for the best front and humor as well as creepiness.
4) DarkHarvest00 for an amazing theme of a cult scenario and the awesome props.
5) MLAndersen0 for the humor, creepiness, awesome story and even awesomer characters.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 6:57 pm

1.) Marble Hornets, hands down. It's the only vlog series I've kept up with nonstop.

2.) MLAndersen0. I really do enjoy the characters and the storyline in general. Overall, a great series.

Those are my fav Slender series! hahaha.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 7:10 pm

1) Every fuckin' man HYBRID. The only series I can find no real fault with.

2) Faaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous~ The creepiest and most delightful blog out there.

3) The Zero blogs, for one of the best characters the Mythos has ever seen.

4) Marble Hornets. The old dog still teaches us a few new tricks, and it remains suspenseful and creepy as ever.

I did blogs as well cause, well, I only watch two video series XD
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 7:20 pm

Marble Hornets, the original and still the best. I love the cinematography. I love the slow, paranoid, isolated, hopeless feeling of it. Not being able to trust anyone, not being able to trust your memories, not being able to trust doors. I fuckin' love totheark. And Tim is the manliest man who ever manned. Except maybe for Evan.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 7:32 pm

Sachael wrote:
And Tim is the manliest man who ever manned. Except maybe for Evan.

What about stabby Noah? Wifin' Knifin' those bushes up in this place. Stabby Noah don't care. Stabby Noah don't give a shit.

But personally, EMH is my favorite. Part of it is because it seems to have more characters than the others, making it a little more realisitic to me. And realism is great when it comes to vlogs/blogs. It really adds to the "OH GOD IT'S NOT REAL RIGHT? PLEASE TELL ME IT'S NOT REAL." factor.

Last edited by Toxiandra on Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 8:09 pm

1. Marble Hornets. I just can't get enough of TTA or MH. Its always one question right after another like Assassin's Creed.
2.TribeTwelve. I enjoy the character build of slowly degrading into an insane asshole. It also frightens me dearly because I live in Florida. The locations I know by heart. TribeTwelve does a good job of frightening me as far as I've been in MarbleHornets. There are also a lot of tense moments.
3.Unearth Truth. It's not really focused on SlenderMan, but has the distortion, a wonderful new story to play around with. I enjoy what they're doing with it so much.
4. MarbleBumbleBee. :3 No explanation needed
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 10:23 pm

1: Tribe Twelve for two main reasons:
A: The effects, good lord the effects.
B: Noah's personality, the swearing, the psychotic breakdowns, the mad laughter, the insane joking. It really adds a realistic humane feeling to it for me. I love it.

2: EMH because like with TT, it adds a very good amount of humane personality to it whenever they converse. Plus I love the amount of effort they go to in making this an expansive ARG. Plus I enjoy the confusing wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey plot it's got going.

3: Marble Bumblebee. Good god, it’s so freaking hilarious.

4: Marble Hornets. For being the original, for kick-starting this all and for still being so damn creepy.

5: I've only just started watching it recently but MLAndersen0 is quickly becoming one of my faves too.

The above are in no specific order as I’m terrible at ordering my faves, so I don't even bother.

I've also enjoyed Dark Harvest and Angel's Game but I think I need to have a sit down and watch them all fully in a row again before making decisions on them.

Blogs I won't even attempt because we'll be here all freaking night.
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What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 12:58 am

It is a tie between MLanderson0, Marble hornets, and Everyman Hybrid.

Marble hornets atmosphere is scary as hell.

Everyman Hybrid is the perfect bland between humor and scariness.

Mlanderson0 still makes me feel a bit mind F$# over the fact what we thought was going to be to protagonist turned out to be the antagonist.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 7:48 am

I'd have to say Everyman Hybrid. I love the interactivity of it all. It's the first ARG I've been a part of. Fuck, I didn't even know what an ARG was until EMH.

Next would be MH, the original, the creepiest, the high octane nightmare fuel.

Tribe Twelve, 'dat effects.

MLAndersen0, the acting is wonderful and the story line is ingenious.

Those are the only ones I watch, I've watched bits and pieces of Angel's game, and I loved it, I just haven't finished it and I don't think I can have an actual say on that one yet.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 9:05 am

I've never really looked into Angel's Game. Is it really that good?

And I agree with the comment on the MLAndersen0 protagonist/antagonist deal. It was an amazing twist. Genius.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 2:44 pm

I can't really order these too well, and opinions are subject to change, but here goes.

1. Marble Hornets: the first season was pretty good, and the beginning of the second season was a bit slow, but later second season is when the series really shines. A lot of effort has gone into the plot, the pacing is good, and it maintains a good balance between creating mysteries, answering them, and leaving them unanswered.

2. TribeTwelve: For something that started as a homage, it really developed into something with good plot arcs and amazing effects. I mean, Slendy was digitally inserted onto a passenger plane. That's something that's not easy to pull off.

3. Angel's Game: While it takes a while to pick up, it does a lot with minimalist storytelling, the script is amazing for being almost entirely improvised, the fact that they're a group doesn't detract from the horror like it does in EMH, and it's got some of the best characters I've seen.

4.EverymanHYBRID: This one's got pretty good characters and story and whatnot, but the ARG aspect makes the story incredibly difficult to follow, so it loses a few points from me for that. Still a great story, though.

5. The Andersen Journals: I absolutely adore their portrayal of the Slender Man.

And as for blogs:

1. Dreams in Darkness: I still say that this is THE example of how to write a Slenderblog right.

2. A Really Bad Joke: Only Maduin could pull off a combination of comedy and horror so well.

3. Seeking Truth: Another one of the classics, and well planned out.

4. Fabulous: This does so much in so many unexpected ways. It's definitely one of the most creative blogs out there.

5. Floccinaucihilipillification (or however you spell it): This is an incredibly experimental blog that draws you in and makes you smile before completely crushing your soul.
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PostSubject: I write way too fucking much.   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 5:41 pm

I'm putting all the series that I have seen in their entirety.

1. Marble Hornets

Not the scariest, or the most well acted, but best story. They know how to make cliffhangers that can both piss everyone off and get them more excited for the next video. Plus there's a whole plethora of loose ends and mysteries they have to tie up, and unless they pull a "Lost" and drop all the unresolved problems, that only gets me more interested in the storyline. Gripping, to say the least.

(Never actually seen "Lost," but it was the best analogy I could come up with.)

2. MLAndersen0

I generally don't like getting into new series, so I neglected this one until just a few weeks ago. I've been following for MarbleHornets for about eight months now and after watching MLA, I almost placed it above MH. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. It's been said numerous times, but it really has the best acting, as well as a plot twist that was an incredibly pleasant surprise.

3. TribeTwelve

First video series I watched. Doesn't have the best acting, save Noah. He's violent, vulgar, rash, and a ton of fun to watch. The rest are reading off their lines, pretty much. As silly as this sounds considering the subject matter, the plot's rather... I dunno, unrealistic. Some actions just don't jibe with me. But it really outshines all the other series on this list in two ways: the production values and the scares. People often say that Marble Hornets gave them nightmares, or mentally scarred them, or otherwise scared the shit out of them. For me, TT did all of that and more; Slendy's never been more threatening.

4. EveryManHYBRID

Where do I start with this one? Its acting is solid enough, and the effects are more than decent. For me, though, the plot is where it falls flat. I'm not really into ARGs, and trying to go through all the videos in one sitting was one of the most confusing moments in my life. There's just too much that happens off-camera. It's not that scary in my opinion, but I understand that it's not supposed to be as scary as, say, TribeTwelve; its plot and its characters are what draw the fans in. And on that note, I must admit that I'm not an Evan fan. In the slightest. His actions make him look... well, careless and stupid, not kickass. I know most people would disagree with me on this, but Evan annoys me. Like, a lot. Not to bash on the rest of the cast, but the factors that draw people in just repulse me. Sorry, EMH fans, but I just don't understand y'all.

ExorcistGamer wrote:
3: Marble Bumblebee. Good god, it’s so freaking hilarious.
Above MH? I'm a proud son of a bitch, but I don't know about that.

Last edited by K.B. on Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To add "and more" to the TT description. Very minor.)
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What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 5:55 pm

1. Dark Harvest
2. TribeTwelve
3. The Anderson Journals

Not necessarily in that order, but those are my three favorites. I'll add in my reasons why later.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 6:42 pm

I only have two favorites (I'm picky).


I've been watching since their second season debut because I discovered them in the interval. Their story is riveting and their timeline is even more gripping. It's hard to follow, but not impossible. Its challenging to watch and requires a considerable amount of thought from the viewer. I love the character dynamics, and the frustration I feel from Alex's behavior.


I love the characters and the fact that more are involved here. I like the real world impact of slender man. Its really a great series and deserves a bit more recognition as one of the BIG series.
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What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 6:57 pm

1) Marble Hornets. C'mon, it's the first one i watched, and it's still going strong today. Plus, Troy, Tim and Joseph are nice guys who are cool to talk to. (or so i've been told)
2) Angel's Game. Acting was great, had a shweet storyline, and was generally an easy ARG to follow. (and sweet jegus dat ENDING.)
3) MLAnderson0. Great story, great acting, great effects. I'm loving the split personality thing between Michael-Patrick.
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What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 8:30 pm

I'd have to say my favorite is CaughtNotSleeping. Best proxies ever, and the interactivity... I love it. Very immersive. Almost made me forget it's not real.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 9:45 pm

I have to agree wtih Laddy, Caughtnotsleeping is one of my favorites. It's the best series that nobody watches.

I also love MlAnderson, though it has it's ups and downs for me, but it's by far one of the more interesting series. Marble Hornets is great, and it's obviously the original, so, that deserves love, though I get tired of them stringing out mysteries that the whole world has already solved. Everyman hybrid has some of my favorite characters but it's gotten to convluted for me to follow any more.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyFri Oct 07, 2011 12:08 am

1 I like Marble Hornets as my favorite. There is nothing that I do not like about this series. It is as scary and intense as it ever was.

2 Tribe Twelve would be my next favorite. Nobody that I have seen has done a better job editing then Adam Rosner. He is simply brilliant at what he does.

3 Dark Harvest would be next. This series has had its rocky moments, but it has always learned from it's mistakes and come back to shine.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyFri Oct 07, 2011 2:22 pm

I'd have to admit: MLAndersen0 does have the most incredible acting, Tribe Twelve being second in line.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyFri Oct 07, 2011 11:43 pm

1) Marble Hornets because the plot is lovely, plus it's the one I've lost the most sleep over
2) Tribe Twelve for the effects, and I like the way he reacts to situations. And the little messages at the end of videos, I like those too.
3) CaughtNotSleeping, for the plot, the viewer participation... I love everything about it, really.
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The Slender Man
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 1:45 pm

My own, of course.
Because I'm biased.
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyFri Dec 23, 2011 1:19 am

Mine's Ben Drowned because he's a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyFri Dec 23, 2011 1:44 am

theollieb wrote:
Mine's Ben Drowned because he's a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
Right, yeah, that won't get you, uh, banned or anything...
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyFri Dec 23, 2011 3:03 am

I messed up. I'm sorry Sad
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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite Slender Series? And why?   What's your favorite Slender Series? And why? EmptyFri Dec 23, 2011 3:05 am

theollieb wrote:
I messed up. I'm sorry Sad
Ah, thought it may have been entirely possible, seeing the whole 4 posts thing.
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