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 Awesome Slenderman RP

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyThu Feb 21, 2013 10:12 pm

Hey, this is another slender roleplay. This is the story of a small town which is dealing with a very odd and disturbing case. Recently, an entire class of elementary school students has gone missing. All of them just simply disappeared one day. The police are still searching, but deep down, everyone already knows that they will never find them, and if they do, they won't be alive still. The police are currently looking for the kidnapper (since people refuse to think of even the possibility it could be paranormal). It's a fairly small town with only one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school, so everyone thinks that someone was bound to have seen something.


1. You must submit a character application and it must be approved before you start roleplaying.

2. Play nice and respect other players! It's one thing if your characters get into an argument/fight, but I don't want you guys to offend/harass each other!

3. No god-modding/power playing.

4. No mary/gary sues, no one is perfect so characters shouldn’t be either.

5. Only a select one or two people will be Slender. No exceptions.

6. Don’t spam the fourm.

7. Keep an eye on grammar and spelling - you don't have to write in perfect Oxford English like in school/college, but please make sure that others understand what you mean. Furthermore I don't want to see any IM stuff such as "lol", "brb" or "ttyl" in the actual RP - unless your character receives a text and it's also clearly marked as a text message.

8. This isn't a one-liner - so I don't want to see mini-posts consisting of only a short sentence or two all the time. You don't have to make huge, never-ending posts, but please write more than just one short line (try to write at least 3 sentences). After all, this is a roleplay so be descriptive, use adjectives, etc to make your character become vivid.

9. I will only accept a limited number of characters under 14, simply because it's more realistic. Also, I don't mind characters being somehow related (whether family-wise or just being friends), however, I don't want all characters being somehow related with one another and if you want your character being related to someone else's OC please ask them first. Oh, and please note that there can't be more than one character with the same name - unless they aren't addressed the same way, because it's just pretty confusing.

10. Please use typical POSTING FORMAT. Example:
(Finally got home...) - things you want to say out of your character and/or are unrelated to the RP have to be put in brackets, however, since there's also a Chat topic I want you to keep this to a minimum!

*Sharon* - please put the name(s) of the character(s) you want to use above your actual post, preferably with a *,, or other symbol before and after the name(s).

Sharon was sitting under a big tree in the backyard, making a colorful drawing. - what your character is doing has to be written in third person, past tense and normal font.

'I hope mom will like my drawing.' She thought while adding more details. - what your character is thinking has to be written in italic font, same applies to dreams, if you want to include something your character dreams in your post that is (though dreams don't have to be marked with a ' at the beginning and ending)

11. You are allowed to swear. We all do, so why ban it?

12. To prove that you read the rules, please put ‘blue kitten’ somewhere in your character application.

13. The most important rule- have fun!

Character application sheet-






Family connected to your character (if it applies):





Anything else you'd like to add:
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Dr. Squirtle
Dr. Squirtle

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyThu Feb 21, 2013 10:30 pm

What do you mean by grade?

Also, welcome to SN! I suggest you make a thread introducing yourself.
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyThu Feb 21, 2013 11:15 pm

Is this person in 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, or 12th grade?
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Dr. Squirtle
Dr. Squirtle

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyFri Feb 22, 2013 12:15 am

Name: Ernest Woodward

Age: 16

Personality: Smart, Reclusive, Independent. Has a light sense of humor.

Appearance: Skinny, always wears glasses. Has unkempt, Beatles-style hair. Carries his laptop with him, along with a small pocketknife.

Bio: Ernest has lived in the town since he was born. His father died due to lung cancer, when he was 11. He now attends the high school as a sophomore and has a deep interest in science. Ernest is a recluse, but has a few close friends. He loves to explore, and knows the town in and out.

Family connected to your character: Lives with his Mom, father is deceased.

Hobbies: Reading, Studying, Adventuring.

Likes: Physics, the Internet, Power Metal, exploration.

Dislikes: Heights, swagfags.

Grade: 10

Anything else you'd like to add: Errr.... blue kitten?
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyFri Feb 22, 2013 12:18 am

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Dr. Squirtle
Dr. Squirtle

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyFri Feb 22, 2013 12:24 am

When do we start?
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyFri Feb 22, 2013 12:47 am

Name: Kathleen Noah (Nickname: Rainbow)

Age: 17

Personality: She is typically happy most of the time. She has child-like tendencies, such as her love of candy and sweets, and her habit to stop and pet every friendly cat and dog she sees; but also has cat-like tendencies (such as playing with cat-toys, sleeping much more then the average person-10 hours of sleep per day is normal for her-, and her general laziness) and a teenager-like dirty mind at times as well. She is fiercely loyal to those she deems as friends and will hurt anyone that tries to hurt her friends. She does however, have the bad habit of trusting people to easily, often seeing only the good side of that person and not being able to see the bad intentions behind their words or actions until it's too late. She rarely ever gets angry, truly angry, but when she does; watch out. She will go on a rampage and attack anything and everything she doesn't deem a 'friend' until she is either; knocked out, passes out from either blood loss or energy loss, or until someone somehow manages to calm her down (In other words, it's extremely hard to piss her off, but if you somehow manage to do it, run like hell). She also often, most of the time unknowingly, uses her adorableness to get what she wants.

Appearance: Kathleen is 4-ft, 11 and inches tall (which she used to complain about all the time). She has short, light brown hair that is styled to be shorter in the back and longer in the front. In the front, her hair comes to just below mid-neck and frames her heart-shaped face nicely, but in the back it only comes to the top of her neck. She has cornflower-blue eyes, purple-framed glasses, nails filed to a sharp point, and pale skin. She typically dresses casually, usually wearing jeans and a shirt with either a design or words on it, since she finds plain T-shirts to be to boring for her tastes. She has some curves, but complains about her small, A-cup breast size. She is often seen wearing a cat-like, silk ribbon bell-collar with a silver bell on it. She also always carries her mid-sized, zebra print purse; which has a long strap to go around her body so she won't accidentally drop it, and contains a surprising amount of stuff (everything from thread, scissors, and safety pins to mini energy drinks and a small flashlight; she has something for most situations you would find yourself in in there, which is why some people claim that the Lost City of Atlantis is in there), with her at all times. All in all, she has an irresistible, kitten-like adorableness to her.

Bio: Kathleen was born and raised in the small town and was a normal, happy girl with a lot of good friends and an... ok-ish (not really) family. She never really liked her family; her mom was an overly-religious, hypocritical, narcassistic, hover parent and favored her little brother over her; her little brother was a stuck-up, arrogant baseball star, an extreme flirt who was always surrounded by girls and was dating a new girl every other week, and who always did bad things (such as damaging property, stealing, and crashing the car), but never got in trouble for it; her dad was the only one she ever liked, since he was nice and would talk to her and help her with her problems, but also knew when she wanted to be left alone. When she was 15, she got her first girlfriend (yes, she is a lesbian, she has no attraction to guys other then as a friend or adopted family member). She had to hide her sexuality and her true relationship with one of her 'friends' from her family, for obvious reasons seeing as her mom was a psycho-christian and her entire family was strongly anti-gay, on both her mom and her dad's sides. She went out with her girlfriend for just barely over a year, and she loved her more dominant girlfriend (she is a 'lipstick lesbian', or the female of the relationship) very much, but ended up having her heart broken when her girlfriend broke up with her (over text and not even in person, no less), claiming that she just didn't love her anymore. Two weeks after her horrible break up, her depression (which she had been doing well passing her moping off as her usual laziness to her family, and whenever she broke down and cried, she made sure her family wasn't around, then she would hide the puffiness and redness with make-up when they got back) worsened when she found out that her ex, who had claimed she was a lesbian and had no interest in guys whatsoever, was going out with a guy that she had met the day she broke up with her. However, after being depressed for an entire summer, she finally decided her ex wasn't worth it and pushed her sadness and hatred deep down inside of her and is moving forward with her life, smiling and laughing with her friends, enjoying being the president of the anime club at school, and being her happy 'Rainbow' self.

Family connected to your character (if it applies): Her mom, her annoying brother, (both of whom she hates), and her dad (the only family member she actually likes)

Hobbies/Likes:Watching anime, reading manga, sewing, making cosplays, reading and writing fanfictions, the paranormal, playing video games, cooking (mainly desserts), listening to music, and sleeping/being lazy.

Dislikes: overly-religious people, hypocrites, homophobes, country music, spiders, most bugs, almost all types of seafood, people who make fun of her friends, people who hurt defenseless animals, the dark, and being alone.

Grade: 11

Anything else you'd like to add:

-Sexuality (In case you skipped over her bio): Homosexual

-Quirks/Habits: Sometimes has very cat-like behavior (She even relaxes and purrs when someone pets her hair), when she hears a person calling her name, instead of saying "huh?" or "Yes?" like most people, she typically says "Nya?" or "Nyan?" (which is basically the Japanese version of 'meow'), she tends to stare off into space when she's thinking, and quote random songs and manga at times.

-Weaknesses: She is afraid of spiders, especially when said spider is on her. If not, she'll just try to either go around it or squish it, or get someone else to squish it; if it is, however, then she might start hyperventilating and crying until someone gets it off of her. She also has bad eyesight, she can't see without her glasses; she has no aim (the expression 'couldn't hit the broad side of a barn' is pretty accurate here); has never shot a gun in her life; and is physically very weak (unless you somehow manage to piss her off, then it's like you've released the daughter of satin himself).

-Special Talents/Strengths: She's very intelligent (even though she sometimes doesn't act like it), and she's good at lying (from years of constantly having to lie to her family) and has a fairly good memory.

-Other facts: 'blue kitten' good at sewing, small enough to fit into small spaces/hiding places that most people can't, and can speak, read, and write Japanese fairly fluently. She is a very odd person (when not stiffly acting 'normal' around her family) and doesn't care when people give her odd looks. She also doesn't like people in general, and often complains about how hateful and ignorant the human race is and how she wishes she could be a cat or cat-girl in the anime world.

Accepted and we can start now if you want, or we could wait for someone who will play Slenderman to join.

MOD EDIT: Replies merged. Please refrain from double-posting. ~sethlapod555

Last edited by RainbowNeko on Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Dreaming of death

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyMon Feb 25, 2013 1:12 am

Name: James allies deaths dream

Age: 17

Personality: dark even sadistic at times, but a very caring person

Appearance: James is 6.2 feet tall, short brown hair and Turquoises color eyes, He is usually wearing an old raggedy black hoody a black t-shirt with a set of huge head phones and black shoes. (yes he loves the color black deal with it)

Bio: James is new in town and live's with his foster family who just gives him a place to stay until his an adult. James was put in to adoption when he was 12 when his parents and his brother died in a tragic accident. Him and his family where all in there house when a fire started and they all got trapped inside. james was the only one who survived and fire fighters found him in a ball with headphones on rocking back and forward in the charge remains.

Family connected to your character (if it applies): none

Hobbies: James likes loud music and art but he has been told his work is to dark.

Likes: dark. Shadows and the night

Dislikes: people, fire and off meat

Grade: 12 year

Anything else you'd like to add: umm...blue kitten I guess.
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyMon Feb 25, 2013 8:43 am

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyThu Feb 28, 2013 7:18 pm

Name: Not even God truly knows, but those of this earth call him...

The Slender Man.

Age: Perhaps as old as time itself. But with a being so fearsome- so shrouded in mystery, very few souls are brave or insane enough to try and document it, and of those who return, only one has ever spoken coherently. His last words were something along the lines of "I'm sorry mum!" before he pulled the trigger.

Personality: As far as you know, he's not human enough to have one. But what he's really like is a truth too hard for you to bear. He does not thrive off of pain- he lives on the drug called Control.
He does not cause terror- he is terror.
He is not sadistic- well, I suppose he is actually sadistic.
But I'm only putting this into terms that the primitive minds of Homo Sapiens could begin to comprehend. Slenderman is not of this world- perhaps not even of this universe. His mind is a cruel mix of Orange-Blue morality. He does not understand pain, and he does not understand terror. He is physically incapable of feeling empathy at all and it isn't even his fault.

Maybe someday you'll know why.

Appearance: Tall. Thin. One might even say emaciated. His skin is a ghoulish-Ghostly white pallor that practically reflects the moonlight as if it were Slendy's very own. His face has no features whatsoever. His senses work on a more Psychic level. He is acutely aware of everything around him, and he can see like a human, better than a human. He just doesn't see how humans do. He can also smell and hear, but his hearing is more suited to the pitch of horrified screaming, and his smell is pleased most by the smell of fresh blood. Not entirely his fault though. It doesn't matter how tall you are- he stands higher than you.

Bio: You do not want to know. You can not know.

Though in time, you may know.

Family: All alone! Alone in the world!

Hobbies: Stalking. Gathering information. Attacking. Controlling. Feeding.

Likes: The darkness, easily impressionable minds, overcast days, midnight, noon, blood, screaming, death, but most of all- control.

Dislikes: Others breaking free, people ignoring him, a strong mind (though I hasten to say he is very respective of such traits), people who are trying to control him, people who might cause him pain (This might be apparent later in the RP, since he's never been caused any sort of pain), but most of all- People breaking free.

Grade: Time is not. Slenderman is.

Other: Blue kitten much?
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Dr. Squirtle
Dr. Squirtle

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyThu Feb 28, 2013 8:22 pm

I think I might have to leave. I've been a bit busy recently and I won't have time to keep up with the RP. Good Luck!
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptyThu Feb 28, 2013 8:57 pm

To estar222- Accepted. Yay! we finally have a Slenderman! And so far, it sounds like you will portray him well. Just make sure not to make him TOO cruel and unfeeling, after all, he has to find at least SOME humans interesting enough to make into proxies.

To Dr.Squirtle- It's ok, I understand. And thank you ^_^

Yay! Now we can start the RP!
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySat Mar 02, 2013 6:07 pm

Slenderman. Or rather, The Slender Man.

Not even to the creatures of earth does he truly have a name- they simply describe his body when they talk about him.

The Slender Man.

He is obviously not of this world. People have always chastised him, and cursed him for the 'atrocities' he commits; they have no idea what he sees as right and wrong. For him, stalking and murder might be as commonplace as shaking hands or saying hello.

But a discussion based on Blue/Orange morality is not what we're here for today, children- no. Today we're here to listen to the story of The Slender Man and this quaint little town he was stalking at the time.

Only hours ago, the Police had finished the first waves of their search for the missing schoolchildren. Slender Man was at the edge of the woods as they drove away. He was fairly sure he'd been seen by a few of the Officers who'd been on-scene, but that mattered little.
As it is, only humans with a certain genetic combination can actually see him. It's a commonplace thing for those genes to come together, mind you, but it's still not everyone.
Slenderman turned 30 degrees to his right, and looked at the school he'd gotten the children from. It was very near the woods- near his home- so it had been no trouble finding the time during their respective breaktimes to drag the children away by the power of his mind.
As luck would have it, there was one particular class he'd taken his attentions to. They were all friends, so they hung out together at lunch, and they were all Slender-Sensitive, as the experts would put it.

He'd taken them from under their own noses.

Few of them lasted long.

Most were weak of the mind, and uninteresting, to Slender Man simply killed them. He only feeds at night, and only fresh meat, so he could not feed upon these.
The stronger minded, and the more interesting of their cohorts, however...

An evil chuckle from somewhere.

... they'd been more entertaining.

Two blonde boys who were obviously closely related, and identical physically, had been strong enough to resist Him. At first they'd shouted briefly too, but they were not that strong. Unfortunately for them, though, Strength does not make you interesting. They joined the death tolls quickly.

There were few others of mention. One girl, of about 14, with her hair longer one side of her head that the other, and with the disposition of a skilled musician, had been interesting indeed. She was still alive when the Cat-Girl and her friends came into play;
She'd been made into a proxy. A living human to do the will of slenderman.
A few others had this honour alongside her, including one boy who'd obviously liked the girl beforehand, and a dark haired thief-boy named Talen- he kept repeating it to himself on the way to the Den, but he'd stopped shortly after his mind broke to the mind of the Slender Man.

There was one other proxy, too. She seemed to have perpetual grass stains on her bare feet, and Slender Man was dubious about how strong she'd actually been, and was forever catching her trying to 'wake' the others. Regardless of this fact, he could not seem to bring himself to kill her.

At this moment in the story, the girl with the stained feet had succeeded in freeing one of her fellow proxies, and was moving onto the next one whilst Slender Man was at the edge of the woods- just watching the school.
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Dreaming of death

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 9:55 am

James was walking in the school grounds trying to find a place to escape the commotion of the school kids. He looked around and started to walk towards the forest to rest under the shade of one of the trees. The music blaring out of his headphones so he could hear nothing around him. He sat down and took out some food from his half destroyed back pack. Then his head moved up to see the bright sky then a smile started growing on his face while the suns rays fell all around him.
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 3:33 pm

A boy.



Slenderman was suddenly behind the tree the boy was resting under, slightly to the left, so that half of him was visible past the tree.

He reached one long, Suit-Sleeved arm towards the boy, slowly.

He began whispering- mimicking the voices of many at once. Quietly.

Softly even.

"Turn around."

"Look out."

Slenderman liked to draw the last one out, making it seem like some desperate cry of long-gone souls striving to prevent any further harm.

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 3:59 pm

Kathleen was walking around the school during her free period, about to go to a nearby Starbucks to get a cup of tea. She paused and looked around when she heard a soft meow. She smiled widely when she saw a pretty black cat on the edge of the forest. "Kitty!" She said happily, then went over to go pet it.

When she got close, however, the cat ran off into the forest. She followed after it, at a slower pace so as to show the cat she wasn't chasing it and meant it no harm. She sighed when she lost sight of the cat. "It was such a pretty kitty too..." She said, then looked around.
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 5:28 pm

Then, a voice.

In HIS mind.

"Intruder." It simply rasped.

In an instant, Slender Man was gone.
And in yet another instant, he was behind the girl who loved cats.

He stood there- simply standing.


Petrifico totalus.

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 5:51 pm

Kathleen shivered. "Brrr, it got cold all of a sudden... Where did that cat go? Here kitty kitty..." She said. She knew there was probably something behind or around her, since she had done a lot of research into the paranormal and learned that when an area suddenly and unexplained gets cold, it means that there is something was there. So, she knew something was there, but decided not to turn around.

'If I act like I don't know it's there, it will probably go away. It always works with the ghosts and spirits in the cemetery near my house anyways. When I pass by and pretend I don't see them and don't know they're there, they leave me alone.' She thought to herself.
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Dreaming of death

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 7:28 pm

James looked behind him and saw nothing he took off his headphones and closed his eyes. He was trying to listen out for anything that was out of place "that feeling what was it" he mumbled to him self. His eyes darted up and looked behind him "who is in the forest and why are they looking for a cat". He got up with is backpack and started to walk into the forest listening out for footsteps.

He walked further in to the darken woods still listening trying to find where the footsteps were coming from. Then he spotted two figures one tall and slender looking and half covered by a tree. Then a girl that was not that tall as the other he started to walk to the girl to find out what was going on. He slowly started to reach the girl then he shouted "hay what are you doing here and who is your tall friend behind you".
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 7:49 pm

Slender man turned to look at the boy.

He took two steps at the boy, then stopped.

And looked.

From behind him, a series of long, black tendrils erupted from his back silently, and make their way towards the boy slowly.

They wanted his flesh.

Slender Man wanted his mind.
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 8:02 pm

"Hm? Tall friend? What do you mean? I'm Kathleen and I came out here alone, chasing after a cat I saw earlier." She said, refusing to look behind her, unaware of the danger she was currently in, still pretending that she didn't know anything was there. "You must be seeing things..."
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Dreaming of death

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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 8:41 pm

The young boy looked behind him to see the tall man with tenticals coming out of his back. A smile started to grow on his face "we'll this should be fun wont it". He souted out "run now" he turned to the girl and grabed her hand. He started running as fast as he could to escape the tall dark man.
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 8:55 pm

She grasped his hand and ran as fast as she could, but she knew she was slowing him down since she was a slow runner. "What are we running from?" She managed to gasp out, already panting heavily.

'This sucks! I'm small, so every step he takes I have to take three steps! Again, I'm small! I'm built for sneaking around, spying, eavesdropping, hiding, and stuff like that, not running around blindly like a maniac!' She thought to herself.
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Age : 25
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 9:00 pm

Slenderman grew upset.

But also intrigued.

And also outraged.

This boy did not fear him! Not at all.

Slender Man's tentacles retracted sharply, and in the blink of an eye he'd stepped out in front of the running pair, blocking their escape.

He began to trigger the whispering that so often drove his subjects mad.
He had no eyes, but if he'd been overtly able to 'see' it'd have been obvious he was staring the girl who'd chosen to ignore him directly in the eyes.

No tentacles though, not out like this. Strangers can see him as a creepy man, but if they see tentacles the army will chase him.

Ah... this boy will make a good proxy.

The girl will make a good meal.
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Age : 29
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Awesome Slenderman RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awesome Slenderman RP   Awesome Slenderman RP EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 9:10 pm

The girl looked up at him. "Whaaat? It was Slenderman? I thought it was one of those annoying forest-ghosts that when they realize i can see and hear them, they follow me around for like a week and never shut up..." She said/complained. "Had i known it was him, i would have turned around sooner." She said. "Are you aware that there is a video game about you?" She asked, lookimg directly up at where Slenderman's eyes would be.
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