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 We are the Monsters Character Sheets

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We are the Monsters Character Sheets Empty
PostSubject: We are the Monsters Character Sheets   We are the Monsters Character Sheets EmptyThu Sep 12, 2013 11:48 pm

Creature: (please post the Creepypasta you are pulling your monster from. Or vlog, whatever source you will like to use.)
Favored Weapon: ((any weapon held by a Vessel will do true damage to monsters)
0-20% released: (basically what you have from just having the creature inside you)
21%-40% released: (You are now fully accessing the monster inside of you to use its abilities. A few aspects of you begin to take the form of the beast. You are still in full control of your mind.)
41%-60% released: (The beast inside of you begins whispering in your ear with its ancient knowledge as you take in more of its power. Its own form begins to mix with yours in more noticeable ways)
61%-80% released: (The monsters mind becomes almost mixed with yours, you know its ancient thoughts and powers and can release them. At this point accidentally hurting the people around you is a very real possibility)
81%-100%: (Agents are only allowed to use this power if there is no other way to salvage the mission. At this stage the monster is in full control, and you are hanging on at the back of its vast conscious and doing your best to guide it. Prolonged use of this level will allow the monster to rip itself free of you and take its place in the Nightscape once more.)
Bio: (backstory for your character)

Last edited by kingxana0 on Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:18 pm; edited 3 times in total
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We are the Monsters Character Sheets Empty
PostSubject: Re: We are the Monsters Character Sheets   We are the Monsters Character Sheets EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 7:17 pm

What do you mean by the story along with the creature? The story of the creature? Or the story of how the creature got trapped inside our character?
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We are the Monsters Character Sheets Empty
PostSubject: Re: We are the Monsters Character Sheets   We are the Monsters Character Sheets EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 11:20 pm

Edit to clear up any problems.
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Jane And Jeff
Jane And Jeff

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We are the Monsters Character Sheets Empty
PostSubject: Re: We are the Monsters Character Sheets   We are the Monsters Character Sheets EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 9:30 am

Name: Jamie Forester
Age: 14
Creature: (please post the Creepypasta you are pulling your monster from. Or vlog, whatever source you will like to use.)http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Jeff_the_Killer
Favored Weapon: ((any weapon held by a Vessel will do true damage to monsters) Vessel has a Sword..I have a basic pocket knife.
Powers: Golden Glow: Anything I touch comes with a holy power..(well not holy..)That can ward off some Vessels
0-20% released: (basically what you have from just having the creature inside you)

Appearance: 5' 6", Wavy brown hair, mainly wears a T-shirt and Jeans along with an odd looking black jacket, Hazel eyes.
Bio: (backstory for your character) Jamie ran away from his parents at the young age of 12 and hasn't stopped till he began to..heaer things. He found it odd but ignored it and focused on getting away. Soon he ended up at this place..but he has yet to decide. Settle down..or keep running?
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We are the Monsters Character Sheets Empty
PostSubject: Re: We are the Monsters Character Sheets   We are the Monsters Character Sheets EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 9:17 pm

Name: Kathleen Noah (Nickname: Rainbow)
Age: 18
Creature: Slenderwoman (basically the same as Slenderman, but with one more awesome power Slendy doesn't seem to have.) http://www.creepypasta.com/slenderwoman/

Favored Weapon: swords, bats, basically all melee weapons. (Preferred fighting tactic- stealth, speed, and sneak attacks) (prefers not to fight if possible. Prefers stealth, sneaking, eavesdropping, and info-gathering)
Powers: 0-20% released, basically just increased senses, speed and stealth, along with Slenderwoman's ocular powers.

0-20% released: (basically what you have from just having the creature inside you)
21%-40% released: (You are now fully accessing the monster inside of you to use its abilities. A few aspects of you begin to take the form of the beast. You are still in full control of your mind.)
41%-60% released: (The beast inside of you begins whispering in your ear with its ancient knowledge as you take in more of its power. Its own form begins to mix with yours in more noticeable ways)
61%-80% released: (The monsters mind becomes almost mixed with yours, you know its ancient thoughts and powers and can release them. At this point accidentally hurting the people around you is a very real possibility)
81%-100%: (Agents are only allowed to use this power if there is no other way to salvage the mission. At this stage the monster is in full control, and you are hanging on at the back of its vast conscious and doing your best to guide it. Prolonged use of this level will allow the monster to rip itself free of you and take its place in the Nightscape once more.)
Appearance: Kathleen is 4-ft, 11 and a half inches tall (which she used to complain about all the time). She has short, light brown hair that is styled to be shorter in the back and longer in the front. In the front, her hair comes to just below mid-neck and frames her heart-shaped face nicely, but in the back it only comes to the top of her neck. She has cornflower-blue eyes, purple-framed glasses, nails filed to a sharp point, and pale skin. She typically dresses casually, usually wearing jeans and a shirt with either a design or words on it, since she finds plain T-shirts to be to boring for her tastes. She has some curves, but complains that she needs to loose some weight but loosing weight is hard. She is often seen wearing a cat-like, silk ribbon bell-collar with a silver bell on it. She also always carries her mid-sized, zebra print purse; which has a long strap to go around her body so she won't accidentally drop it, and contains a surprising amount of stuff (everything from thread, scissors, and safety pins to mini energy drinks and a small flashlight; she has something for most situations you would find yourself in in there, which is why some people claim that the Lost City of Atlantis is in there), with her at all times. All in all, she has an irresistible, kitten-like adorableness to her.

Bio: Kathleen was born and raised in a somewhat small city and was a normal, happy girl with a lot of good friends and an... ok-ish (not really) family. She never really liked her family; her mom was an overly-religious, hypocritical, narcassistic, hover parent and favored her little brother over her; her little brother was a stuck-up, arrogant baseball star, an extreme flirt who was always surrounded by girls and was dating a new girl every other week, and who always did bad things (such as damaging property, stealing, and crashing the car), but never got in trouble for it; her dad was the only one she ever liked, since he was nice and would talk to her and help her with her problems, but also knew when she wanted to be left alone. When she was 15, she got her first girlfriend (yes, she is a lesbian, she has no attraction to guys other then as a friend or adopted family member). She had to hide her sexuality and her true relationship with one of her 'friends' from her family, for obvious reasons seeing as her mom was a psycho-christian and her entire family was strongly anti-gay, on both her mom and her dad's sides. She went out with her girlfriend for just barely over a year, and she loved her more dominant girlfriend (she is a 'lipstick lesbian', or the female of the relationship) very much, but ended up having her heart broken when her girlfriend broke up with her (over text and not even in person, no less), claiming that she just didn't love her anymore. Two weeks after her horrible break up, her depression (which she had been doing well passing her moping off as her usual laziness to her family) worsened when she found out that her ex, who had claimed she was a lesbian and had no interest in guys whatsoever, was going out with a guy that she had met the day she broke up with her. However, after being depressed for an entire summer, she finally decided her ex wasn't worth it and pushed her sadness and hatred deep down inside of her and moved forward with her life, smiling and laughing with her friends, enjoying being the president of the anime club at school (for the second year in a row), and being her happy 'Rainbow' self. (How she came to have Slenderwoman in her will be reviled later)
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We are the Monsters Character Sheets Empty
PostSubject: Re: We are the Monsters Character Sheets   We are the Monsters Character Sheets EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 3:57 pm

(So... Did this forum just die or what???)
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We are the Monsters Character Sheets Empty
PostSubject: Re: We are the Monsters Character Sheets   We are the Monsters Character Sheets EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 3:23 pm

I guess so. I need at least two more people for this so....
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