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 Planning for a blog - advice?

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Planning for a blog - advice? Empty
PostSubject: Planning for a blog - advice?   Planning for a blog - advice? EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 10:12 am

Hey all,
Just to say, I'm currently coming up with plans for a blog. I've already got ideas for some fun stuff, and the basic storyline. It's going to be super-uninvolved with any other blog storyline. I don't think any of the other blogs/vlogs will be canon, and if they are, they'll be explicitly stated. The plan is that it's going to be much closer to the barebones Slendy from the original thread. No proxies, probably no crossovers, and definitely no fucking Core Theory. We're talking old-school. 2009 old school. Bare-bones, scary and minimalist. Probably mostly text, but I'm considering using photos and video now that I have a decent cameraphone.

I just wanted to know, do the bloggers and high-octane blog readers on here have any advice for little old me? How do you involve readers while not getting gamebreakers? What advice do you have for creating a compelling narrative? Masky, Rake and Slender Man: kill, screw or marry? And so on. Anything you feel a young, enterprising blogger could use.

Any and all responses are greatly appreciated.
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Planning for a blog - advice? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planning for a blog - advice?   Planning for a blog - advice? EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 3:12 pm

Part of this has been covered

However to keep bloggers from gamejacking, you could set up a game email, and only respond through that, and disable comments on your posts.
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Age : 32
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Planning for a blog - advice? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planning for a blog - advice?   Planning for a blog - advice? EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 5:44 pm

Thanks for the link Zero - you're right, it was very helpful.

As for the first blog, it's getting an inconspicuous start. It'll be interesting to see if it can draw in any new people, just because it looks, at first, like a film blog. I might run it that way for a few months, telling one side of the story in the comments and another on a different blog.
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