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 Advice on new Slendervlogs

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Hooligan Spirit
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PostSubject: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 5:32 am

Just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on what they would like to see in a new slendervlog...
What kind of distortion effects you like, what the slender man does, locations, general tips and anything else..?
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 12:38 pm

Hey there i got some advice start slow dont just show slenderman right in the beginning it will take away the feeling also make sure to make distortion effects and make your own operator symbol if you do this i will definetely watch it for more info what i just said go to this link
MOD EDIT: Link removed.

This are my series enjoy it and take inspiration of it
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Hooligan Spirit
Hooligan Spirit

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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 12:57 pm

^ Don't promote your series like he did.

Don't be afraid something to try something new, and put effort into your acting. I'd rather watch hammy overacting than dull, uninspired acting - if the actor's bored, I'm bored.

Plan out your plot before you start, don't just wing it, and unless you have a very good reason, avoid cliches i.e. Operator symbols, binary codes, and so forth.

Edit: When it comes to distortion, I prefer subtle effects over ear-raping audio and high contrast/neon colors - I find it hard to take Slendy seriously when rave lights appear whenever he steps too close. That's just my preference, though, and the loud/colorful effects can and have been done well in other series.

I'd love to see him in an environment we haven't seen him in before, like, say, rural Nevada, but most of us can't do much about where we live. As for what Slenderman does, just make him do something. Standing ominously in the background 24/7 gets old fast.

These are just my thoughts, so feel free to ignore them.
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 1:25 pm

Hooligan Spirit I was not promoting my series i was just saying how i did it so yeah the enviroment thing is a good point why not try it in a lets say youre on a boat and you see him on the edge of a waterfall just saying xD
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 3:25 pm

noeyes wrote:
Hooligan Spirit I was not promoting my series i was just saying how i did it so yeah
The mere fact that you attempted to link your series in an unrelated thread, as well as several other threads, counts as "promoting" your series. You've already created a thread for it - there's no need to post it in other peoples', and doing so only leaves people with a negative impression.
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 4:15 pm

okay sorry i really didnt meen too
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 4:56 pm

noeyes wrote:
also make sure to make distortion effects and make your own operator symbol

Protip: using the distortion noise from the Slender game in your own videos is not the same as making your own distortion.
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 5:04 pm

you want advice? here's some stuff I've learnt from the mediocre slendervlogging business in the last year.

1) Write a decent plot or things will wither and die
2) Learn to edit or things will wither and die
3) Have a slenderman costume/ know how to edit him in or things will wither and die
4) give characters some form of development (ok two of my characters are lacking on that front but they're not around to film as much Razz) and give them interesting motives or things will wither and die
6) and try to have interesting locations. things WONT wither and die without them, but it makes it a lot more interesting to have good places to play around with. (I'm lucky that here in england I have loads of old graveyards, abandoned buildings and castles to play around with- but try to play to your area's strengths there)
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 5:05 pm

Try to be different.
If you're going to use a symbol, make it different, give it a meaning. Don't just have a symbol because every series has a symbol.
Try to avoid using distortion of the same styles of distortion as everyone else.

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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 6:53 pm

TheFallenenvoy wrote:
you want advice? here's some stuff I've learnt from the mediocre slendervlogging business in the last year.

1) Write a decent plot or things will wither and die
2) Learn to edit or things will wither and die
3) Have a slenderman costume/ know how to edit him in or things will wither and die
4) give characters some form of development (ok two of my characters are lacking on that front but they're not around to film as much Razz) and give them interesting motives or things will wither and die
6) and try to have interesting locations. things WONT wither and die without them, but it makes it a lot more interesting to have good places to play around with. (I'm lucky that here in england I have loads of old graveyards, abandoned buildings and castles to play around with- but try to play to your area's strengths there)

7) Don't wither and die
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 3:13 am

BananaBrains not again not again about that game i found the effect on Co-pilot so no i didnt take it from slender
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 5:46 am

Thanks for all the advice everyone!! the location im filming is melbourne, Australia. Its not extremely exciting but it's a bit different to all the american series. As for the plot im still working on that. I was thinking instead of the usual slenderman causes coughing fits, id do intense headaches/paralysis. Originality is a lot harder than i first thought after watching so many series..
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 10:22 am

noeyes wrote:
BananaBrains not again not again about that game i found the effect on Co-pilot so no i didnt take it from slender
It may have been the sound that Parsec Productions used for the static effect in Slender.
Sadly, that now means people will associate that sound with Slender, not Co-pilot, because of the popularity.

aGamingFish wrote:
Thanks for all the advice everyone!! the location im filming is melbourne, Australia. Its not extremely exciting but it's a bit different to all the american series. As for the plot im still working on that. I was thinking instead of the usual slenderman causes coughing fits, id do intense headaches/paralysis. Originality is a lot harder than i first thought after watching so many series..
In my opinion, having difficulty being original is simply a refusal to think outside the box. Just because coughing fits are "canon" to Slender Man doesn't mean you have to use 'em. In fact, all "canon" is going to do is restrict your creativity.
Slender Man is meant to be a blank slate, both facially and creatively. Use that to your advantage.

Also, pure originality isn't always the key to a successful Slender Man series. It's people that can be original, but also do it well that gain popularity. So if something's been done before, don't sweat it too much. Just don't copy it verbatim; expand on the original and make it even better.

On an entirely different note, I can't wait to see your series! Good luck!

Last edited by Zephyr_Mal on Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:42 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Replying to another user)
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PostSubject: Re: Advice on new Slendervlogs   Advice on new Slendervlogs EmptyFri Oct 05, 2012 4:05 am

I'm always skeptic on the distortions for some reason. I mean, I haven't really seen any real "distortions" on a digital/tape camera, except once, but that was really just weird dots everywhere and the footage kind of looked... Glitchy. hacked up every once in a while. I'm always trying to predict if a distortion is realistic enough or just obviously edited. I may have little experience with this, or just a totally different taste, or perspective regarding distortions in Slender Videos, but I think it's really important to have good distortions if you want to make a realistic Slender vlog.

In some video editing programs there are default "distortions" effects listed for the editor to add, but, try not to make it too obvious you did that. i don't know, maybe I'm being overserious with this, after all, we're talking about distortions, but still. They seem quite important. Think of what kind of way the camera would get messed up depending on what's happening, what kind of camera it is, and how you want to make the viewer feel when a distortion comes up, and if to add sound to it or not. I understand the sound is essential for a more creepy feeling, or a jumpscare, but I'm not totally sure sound always messes up when a camera is affected by something in real life. if it's supposed to be a tape camera, make that show, and same if it's supposed to be a digital camera, make more digital or electronic or pixelated distortion.

Good luck nonetheless
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