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 On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!

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The Visionary
The Visionary

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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 10:29 am

So me and just a few other companions of mine are starting a series within time called the "Visionary Theory". VisionaryTheory will be a series of stalking before Slendy is even brought up in the equation. The main character, names won't be announced yet, but as a Alex type character or relating to Noah. With a character called The Hacker, who could relate to The Observer. This series is going to be based a lot off technology as in our day and age thats how we live. Phones, computers, webcams. All this stuff will be playing part in this series.
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The Slenderfreak
The Slenderfreak

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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 12:26 pm

okay, DO NOT rip off characters or make any that are too close to other series characters. no one likes a bad slendervlog. that's all the advice I have for you currenty. The tech thing seems somewhat new, though. I'd like to hear more on what you plan to do with that.
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The Visionary
The Visionary

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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 1:15 pm

Okay man, I'll try to keep that as close to mind as possible, thanks man! I want to have more of like a computer stalker, listening in on phone calls. Hacks into personal things. That kind of idea
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The Slenderfreak
The Slenderfreak

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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 1:23 pm

You forget-the Observer is master of technology, so your little bad guy would be a copy of the Observer. sorry, but you need to think through this a little more to make an original series.
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The Visionary
The Visionary

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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 1:32 pm

I understand that. Well thank you with the heads up on that my man. I still am going to keep the technology idea around for a bit. If you yourself do come up with another Slendy apprentice let me know! haha. Another idea I kinda wanted to put into play even though it may be hinted is to have it more for a highschool crowd. I'm 16 myself so I thought maybe having school play a bit of a part in it wouldn't be all that bad? Just a theory?
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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! EmptyMon Jul 23, 2012 1:15 am

Making realistic events that aren't so private are great additions to vlogs IF
you do it right, depending on what you're trying to do.
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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! EmptyMon Jul 23, 2012 1:56 am

Replay.. replay ... replay that is what everything is.. this sounds so similar to the other slendy series.. im .. just please some advice....

1. For god's sake get good actors
2. Try something different im sick of replays...
3. PLEASE dont make your own sign or dumb over used proxies...
3. be NEW please for the love of the hevans do something new!

~ Pickle
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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!   On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice! Empty

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On the urge of starting a series, just some quick advice!
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